hi i'm Nycolette i'm a artist and i have come up with a new concept i want to do a colosh inside of the words bald is beautiful with people that are bald and that are proud of being bald but. i have one problem i don't have that many pictures and i was wondering if you could take pictures of your heads just the top and send them to me on here because bald is really beautiful if you dont want to that is fine thank you if you do

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Hi Nicolette, maybe you should post this as a blog where more people are apt to see it.
I'm not sure how to even get a photo of the top of my head, but I am having some regrowth on top right now anyway - so it's not exactly bald ...
Good Luck,
thank you sooo much
Could you give more details on what kind of photos you need for your project?
Do you still need pictures??



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