Ive been thinking about asking my dermatologist for a prescription for lumigan...has anyone else been prescribed this for the sole purpose of growing eyelashes or eyebrows??? did you have any success? having alopecia can be hard, but i think the hardest part for me is not having lashes or brows

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I have a inquiry to my doc on this. I have AA but lost a small section of eyelashes. My understanding is that you apply the drops to the lash line and not the eye for use in AA. The study on pub med didnt post any results. The side effects of hyperpigmentation and iris change are rare and more likely in full drop usage.
After doing a lot of research on this; I asked my dermatologist to prescribe the Lumigan for me. I just started using it last night and I will keep you updated! I have aa and through cortisone injections directly into my eyelids I have had pretty complete eyelash growth, but I still lose patches just the same as on my head and eyebrows. It is always so frustrating when I have new lashes grow in, then fall out again. I have become a bit obsessed with my lashes as I've just started really seeing them in about the last year, and I've lived without them since I was 4 or 5 years old (I'm 23 now).

Most research points to the idea that if you have aa and already have some lashes, the lumigan can really help. So I am keeping my fingers crossed! I used to use a combination of minoxodil and locoid solution day and night, but now I will just be doing that in the morning and the lumigan at night.
I do use this drug, and yes it does work... I do not place the drops in my eyes like you are suppose for glacoma. I just place them right along the top and bottom where the lashes are.
It took about 1-2 weeks to see anything.. But now I have them all back.. Some are very short still-but they are all growing.. I havent tried to place on eyebrows because I have them tattooed on, and dont mind not having any hair there.

This is the best thing ever.. Its been about 8 months since I began using.. I suggest it for everyone!!
Zoey- Thank you so much for posting! It's good to know there is a chance it will work for me too... almost seems too good to be true right now :)
It will.. Just make sure you use it everyday.. I put it on in the evening after I remove all my makeup... But, whats really cool.. I went about a week with no makeup then when I was getting ready to go back to school. I put on my makeup and was like~ WOW! Look at how many eyelashes I have now..
They are still very thin and blonde- But with mascara they look fabulous...

You will be so happy!! :o)

Keep us posted on how it goes!! Muah Zoey
We just talked about this Drug at out last support group meeting and the Dr's said it doesn't work....Shocking!!!
I'm gald it is working for you!!! I guess it's prescription only right?

Yes, its a prescription. Why did the doctors say it didnt work?

You think it only works on some people? Thats so odd..

Crazy Doctors!
What type of alopecia do you have? I have AU and have had it since I was 7 with no re growth ever. I wonder if it only works on people with AA or didn't have early onset?
Hmmm What type of alopecia do I have? The unflattering kind LOL No just kidding. I guess I am at the awkward inbetween stage. I guess I am AT.

Jeff,, I would so trade mine for yours..lol
I have had complete AU for 10 years now. I was in the early 20's.. I do have the white little furry hairs all over my head. But, when I started using Lumigan I didnt have any lashes- It took two-three weeks when I saw the regrowth.

I wonder if its the early on-set? I just assumed it would work on everyone, since it worked for me..
They just said it doesnt work as a general rule. In some cases it can be a side effect of this medication which is for glacoma.




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