Good morning all and welcome to my world. I am your average day guy who has just got Married (last saterday) to a wonderful girl who has been diagnosed by our GP with Alopecia (not to sure which one as she still has loads of hair but two rather large bald patches which are just possible to still cover with other hair) we are off to see a specialist next thursday to find out more. I just wanted to start by saying that we/I have no idea on Alopecia, i am learning fast but have so many questions with regards to when to wear a wig, where can one get head scarves and many more that i dont know where to start.
Michaela (my wife) is putting on a very brave face but deep down i know she is really battling with it and so it is down to me to really try and help her through this and carry her in her low times.
I thing she will come to terms with it and will learn to live with it in time but until then i will be asking alot of questions as over here in the UK I feel there is very little support for those with Alopecia and their partners.
I will post my first question later on today.
Thank you all in advanve for your help and support.