The past couple days have been horrible.
Ten years ago when my hair first started falling out, I went through so much. I had people making fun of me and calling me names. I dreaded going to school or anywhere for that matter. I took a leave of absense from my part time job and withdrew from school- due to the amount of harrassment I was getting.
It took me so long to get where I was a couple of weeks ago. I lived about 4 years happy and being just silly ol me. But, One harsh word from someone took that all away from me. I didnt think it could happen ever again. I thought I was so strong having gone through all that. But, all it took was one word from a loved one that was upset with me. They said to me, "Your Fat & Bald".
Thats all it took. I have been a mess ever since that. How can anyone say something so mean? I am always so nice to people and I do not judge people by the way they look. I get to know them for who they really are.
I am hoping writting this down and getting it off my chest will make me feel better. I hope.. I can feel my depression starting to come back, its not a good feeling. I am in the middle of finishing school- since I dropped out years ago. The last thing I want to do now is ruin my school again. I am going to try and keep my chin up and think happy thoughts.
If anyone out there has some encouraging words. I would love to hear them about now.. :o) I want to get back to my happy self..