hi there as anybody heard or know of hair bein glued in ,i had a magazine few months ago but lost it and it was all abt a young girl wiv alopecia ,and she had all hair glued in and changed her life around ,it cost abt 1500.00 pound,anybody know anything plz let me know thanku,,,nikki

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Hi Nikki,
I don't know about having hair glued in if your completely bald. People will be able to see the tracks I think. I have never had hair glued in but I do wear wigs. I'm not completely bald but my hair is super super thin. Anyways, I been looking online like all day today and last night at wigs and I ran across a website called hairillusions.com....They have lace wigs and it looks so real I want one so bad. But they are soooo expensive. I never heard of lace wigs before but I am thinking about investing and saving up for one. It would be a dream come true and you can style it anyway you want and even wear it up in a ponytail.
hi cookie well thanks for reply ,i will lok into that ,duno wat my daughter would b like ,iv phoned the hospital abt it now im just waitin on a phone call ,nikkix
Sounds like a bonded (glued on) lace wig or system. These types of hair systems can be glued on for weeks at a time, but like any hair replacement solution, they have pros and cons. Do your research carefully and thoroughly and you'll work out what solution will work best for your requirements and budget. Just because something has a top price tag, doesn't mean it's the best quality. Actual clients (and ex-clients) will give you a far more balanced view of any system/wig than a company's own marketing blurb.
hi there ,yeh this hair glued in i read it in a magazine but lost it,and it was sayin how it changed the little girls life ,i have made a phone call abt it to the hospitals and waitin for phone call bac ,but thanks for ur comment anyway ,nikkix



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