I was just wondering if anyone else was diagnosed with alopecia after having mono? To this day mom my swears that my immune system was "fine" until I had mono when I was 18. I did not have any signs of alopecia until I was 19, but I was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience? Could mono have impact or trigger alopecia? Just thought I would throw this out there for discussion and to see if any other alopecians had mono before being diagnosed with alopecia!

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Thanks for the compliment. I agree that it is hidden and will be found one day, probably not with in our lifetime! As for causes, I find them a lot more intruiging than treatments. I tried just about everything, and nothing even came close to working, so I don't waste my time.....anymore. Wasted too much time and energy and quickly realized it is not worth it. It's only been a year for me, so I guess I still hope, but try to spend more time getting myself back. Things will never be the way they used to be, but that's life. Don't think I'll ever accept AU though....even though, things could be MUCH worse ; )



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