Hey guys!
So if you have not heard about the wonderful and loving NAAF conference this year in Louisville, Kentucky... check out www.naaf.org and register today! It is going to be alot of fun!

For the teenagers/college students in alopecia world, I wanted to see if any of you were interested in becoming counselor for Corporate Kids Events. They are in charge of putting together the children, tweens, and teens camps during the day. Since I "graduated" from the camp 2 years ago, I have worked as a counselor ever since and it truly is a great way to stay involved in the camp even though you are not a "camper" anymore.

Gaven, the president of CKE, is really excited about getting more NAAF people involved in his program at the conference!!

Interested? Shoot either me or Gaven an e-mail - Jessica-Beltran@northwestern.edu and garen@corporatekidsevents.com

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Someone on this board must want to do that!
I am very Interested. I just found out about the conference not too long ago but I felt a little weird going because of my age (19). I would be going alone and I thought the counselor idea would be fun!
totally! there are alot of newcomers in that age range! being a counselor would introduce you to so so so much fun at the conference! the children love it, i guarantee you will too, and you will meet other people your age (like myself) who have alopecia and want to give back =)
Hi everybody, If you are going to the conference and have not already done so... please go to the events tab and rsvp so that we all know who is going. Can't wait to see you all!




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