So, I don't know if you all know The Princess Bride well, you've probably seen the movie, but have you read the book? Yeah, I have. I talk quite a lot on the subject of balding and would like to know why some women are so subjective to things. Anyway, how PB connects. You all know Prince Humperdink, he wanted to marry Buttercup because she was the most beautiful woman in all the world. WELL, the reason Prince Humperdink had to marry at all is because his father was dieing. So, they sent out through all the lands to find a princess for him to marry. Being from Florin (a nonexistant country) they wanted to make and alliance with Guilder (a neighboring country), so they sent for the Guilderian Princess, Noreena. When Noreena arrives at the castle, the author talks about her endless amount of hats, how she changed her hat for every different event in the day. Well, at dinner, a breeze is blowing through the hall, and all of the sudden Noreena's dinner hat flies off, wig and all. Well when THE JERK (Prince H.) sees that she is bald, he banishes her from his castle.

When my teacher opened what we thought about Prince Humperdink up for discussion at this point, a girl piped up and said she liked him, my response ( out loud, mind you) was, "WHAT?" How can you like him? He's a jerk! She responded that she didn't see how he was a jerk. And I said, He REJECTED Noreena because she was bald!

Well, hee, that finished that discussion. Because everyone at school knows I'm bald and doesn't have a problem with it.

What I want to know is this, how do you not see it? How can women not tell that a guy is a superficial jerk? I know that I can't be the only person on earth that can read people. And when something about them is that obvious, how can people ignore it? My question has nothing to do with being bald, it's got to do with self- respect. Do you have it? And women, don't be a Noreena, you are beautiful, you are amazing, and God knows that, so that's why He took your hair away, why hide the magnificent being underneath? Unveil her in the biggest way possible for all the world to see. And be proud. Do you love yourself enough to never let a Prince Humperdink in your life? Do you know that real love isn't about physical characteristics? I hope so.

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Whatt he was, was an idiot of some sort. Or he just din't appreciate class and style.

To most men, if a woman has beautiful feminine features, she is beautiful, whether she has hair or is bald.
I personally prefer bald women, like my beautiful bald wife, but that is my preference.
To me, you can see a lady's feminine features better if she is bald, or has short hair. I just prefer beautiful feminine bald women,

How old are you, and what type of school do you go to Melinda?

I didn't ask because I was trying to meet you, I am too old for you and I have a beautiful bald wife.

I asked because I was wondering, since you mentioned your teacher, whether you were in high school or college.

I know that my bald wife had a much more difficult time in high school than she did in college.

When people are 18 years old or older, they are more mature, and have more understanding of people who may in some way be different.
My wife didn't date much in high school, but when she was in college she had plenty of dates with handsome young guys who considered her to be a beautiful bald young lady.
So being that you are a beautiful young bald lady, you will most likely find people, including men, who are even more understanding and appreciative of beautiful bald women such as yourself..
Malinda what a great discussion. I LOVE the Princess Bride movie, but had never read the book, so I never knew the story of Noreena. Thanks for sharing this. Now I hate Prince Humperdink even more! LOL.

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"Anybody want a peanut?"



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