I have been thinking about trying accupuncture for a while. Has anyone had luck with this?

I actually feel like I won a small victory with GNC's Hair, Skin & Nails supplements. Recently I began to lose my eyebrows. I started losing the hair out of my left eyebrow only, and very slow. Finally, once the entire brow was gone, the right one started to go. Not too long after that, I began taking the H,S & N. To my great surprise, the hair stopped falling out! I have been taking them regularly every day since then. A few times I slacked on taking them for a few days and immediately noticed a couple of hairs coming out. Now I'm not a professional or anything -- and we all know that Alopecia is different for everyone -- but for me this seemed to have halted the hair loss. At least it did for my eyebrows, and I haven't lost any more hair anywhere. I just thought I would share this in case it can help anyone else! You never know!

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Trina, what mg did you buy for you daughter? I went to check it out today and I don't think my daughter would swallow a pill. They had a multi vitamin with Biotin in it..I got a sample for my daughter to try. I give her an omega 3 chewable and multi-vitamin, but the lady said this would be better because it is natural and had the biotin in it..Cindy
It is not a pill. It is liquid she said it would be better because it goes straight to the blood stream. I have it at home in the refrigerator. i will email you at home and let you know. They also have a biotin shampoo you can order from vitocost that is like $ 5.00. My daughter says it smells like throw up and taste nasty but you can mix it with juice and she will at least drink it
Hi cindy,I was informed biotin and b vitamins will help I ordered a chewable bcomplex vitamin with biotin in it its made by solray...It big but it is considered a chewable wafer. My daughter is 4 and ok with taking it daily...I hope it helps for your daughter..unfortunetly my Mia's hair is falling out again at a fast pace...good luck to you.Maria
Maria, sorry to hear Mia's hair is falling out again...Did she have complete regrowth?
I am just a bit weary of trying any natural products because I don't want it to have a negative effect on the treatment we are doing now..Right now I give Sam an omega 3 chewable and multi vitamin , but she likes the sample vitamins I got in the store today and there was one omega vitamin that had the biotin in it..I may switch.Cindy
Cindy the supplement is called Buried treasure. It has vitamins and minerals and she take by mouth and 1000 mcg of biotin. they have it in adult as well. It has b-6 as well and she is taking primadophilus which cleans the immune system out. She just started so we will see. She is reacting to a topical treatments from her doctor she is using cordran and protopic she has begun regowing hair folliciles within 2 months. The protopic did not work byitself but the dr's had her rotate them one in the morning and one in the evening and it is working. He is one of the best dermatologist in the area dealing with alopecia so I take her every 4 to 6 weeks and he is working with her. I saw what you said about biotin it also in a shampoo if you dont want to take her off the medicine she is on now.
Trina, thanks for the info...Samantha is doing squaric immunotherapy, otherwise known as SADBE. Her body has to produce and allergic reaction in the form of a rash which she is. It will take 3 months before we begin to see any results. We have completed 4 consecutive weeks of treatment so far after a slow start due to her response to the skin test. Samantha also used protopic, but I hated how greasy it made her hair at the time. We are now on our 3 doctor, but she is at the best place I can take her so I feel confident this will work..Good luck to your daughter..Glad to hear she is experiencing regrowth. Please keep me posted on how these vitamins are working..I am may look into the shampoo though.Cindy
Is the pills only replacing you eye brows or on your head to. Or you have no hair loss on your head.
If you're referring to my post, my eyebrows only stopped falling out when I began take the HS&N supplements. I have not had any regrowth...so I now have a bald head and half an eyebrow!
has anyone tried the aroma therapy oil mixture of Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme and Cedarwood? you are supposed to mix the oils together and add them to a base like grapeseed oil as a dilutant. then you rub it into the spots. we are trying it on my daughter. i found it on the internet and our doctor says it works sometimes.
I have had AU for about 5 years now and I think I have tried just about everything from Rogaine, topical creams, cortizone injections and supplements. So far nothing has worked for me but I keep trying new things whenever I hear about them. Every so often I get sparatic regrowth but nothing that stays. Oh well, live on, keep trying :)
Hi, I am suffering from female balding, still in its early stages and I wanted to know if any of you have tried Nourkrin? And what your results were? Thanks
I tried it and it didnt work. ITs fish oil and other vitamins that is very over priced.
I refer to it as snake oil.



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