I have been thinking about trying accupuncture for a while. Has anyone had luck with this?

I actually feel like I won a small victory with GNC's Hair, Skin & Nails supplements. Recently I began to lose my eyebrows. I started losing the hair out of my left eyebrow only, and very slow. Finally, once the entire brow was gone, the right one started to go. Not too long after that, I began taking the H,S & N. To my great surprise, the hair stopped falling out! I have been taking them regularly every day since then. A few times I slacked on taking them for a few days and immediately noticed a couple of hairs coming out. Now I'm not a professional or anything -- and we all know that Alopecia is different for everyone -- but for me this seemed to have halted the hair loss. At least it did for my eyebrows, and I haven't lost any more hair anywhere. I just thought I would share this in case it can help anyone else! You never know!

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were do you get this triaxon at
I did a little research on triaxon and it is not for alopecia areata it is for MPB (androgenetic alopecia) www.procerin.com

thank you very much for this i am in the same position. I will try this thank you
I finally stumbled across this site and it's nice to know that I am not alone. I recentely had a hair peice fitted, but it is itchy and uncomfortable. The glue didn't work, so she cabled it in and the cable is causing more hair loss due to the friction against my scalp. I think you look great in your pictures and I am thinking of getting a vaccum seal, but nervous about shaving my head. I noticed that in your post you mentioned that you liive in Atlanta. I live in Birmingham and I have been commuting back and forth to Atlanta once a week to have my hair system adjusted. The traveling is getting old and I am having a lot of issues with maintence and washing it. Where did you go to get your pieces and touch ups? I have been going to Atlanta hair solutions, and I am not sure that they even offer the vaccum seal. I would appreciate any suggestions or recommedations in the Atlanta area or Birmingham.
Hi Jennifer! I have only recently moved to the Atlanta area, so I don't have any experience with any local vendors. I get my pieces from New Hair Technology in NYC. On my page you will find more info on my blog. Feel free to message me with any specific questions!
Hi Ashley
When my hair first started falling out i tried almost every product on the market ( cost me a fortune) I even went for medical treatment for three months. But nothing helped.
I eventualy just left it,now ten years on, I am starting to get lots of fine hair,it is now that i am starting to look for all kinds of treatment that might help.

I gave my daughtet a hair, skin, and nail supplement from buried treasure and aloe vera juice and her hair stopped shedding. It is now growing back. Can't say that this was the only reason it worked but i definately feel like it was worth the try.
You should talk to Drew (just type his name in in the memebers tab). I know he tried accupuncture.
for the past month and a half i have followed this routine: i take aloe vera pills, drink aloe vera juice, take a multi-vitamin with phytosterols (phytosterols in humans have been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating activity. Results have shown phytosterols particularly target T cell Lymphocytes, helping to balance and normalize their function), rub emu oil on the spots and drink kombucha juice daily. i also pray regularly, and visualize healing and hair growth. and you know what? it has WORKED!!!

the soreness in my scalp has diminished considerably. the shedding has lessened. the new spots that have formed aren't growing any larger. and the old spots are filling in with thick hair again.

i tried acupuncture in the first months of diagnosis, but between the shots at the derm and the needles at the acupuncture place, it was too much. i didn't find it that helpful... but some people swear by it.

good luck. am going to try the gnc supplements too - on your recommendation! every little bit helps.
How many aloe vera pills do you take daily? How much aloe vera juice? What brand of vitamin is it? Thanks! -Brittney
hey brittney - well, i initially took 3 to 4 aloe vera pills a day... now that the shedding is less, i take two.i drink aloe vera juice a few times a week. it tastes good but is very sweet and dehydrates me, so i have to dilute it with water. the vitamins are centrum cardio... but i also take another multi-vitamin that is supposed to reduce stress (called stresstabs).

anyway, so far so good. for the first month i noticed no change and was starting to get disheartened. but this last month, the change is absolutely noticeable. i use to cringe after a shower, there would be hair all over the floor and tub. it's sooooo much less now.
don't know if this will last... hope it does. and hope it works for others out there too. :)

I've tried many different things out there and the only one that actually worked was Biogetica.


I had no hairs anywhere but when I started with the Biogetica hairs started growing within days.
I got the Alopecia Optimal-Kit and the Soundscapes CD.

Like you said, everyone is different but this is the only thing I've tried that actually works.



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