Hair Growth or regrowth can occur at at any given time. Hair follicles remain alive and ready to resume normal hair production when they receive the appropriate signal, so it is important to focus on sending your follicles the signals they require on a regular basis. A mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that are considered capable of "creating transformation" or in this case, a signal. Mantras can be said out loud or repeated as a thought at any given time throughout the day.

Tips on using Mantras For Hair Growth

Start with one or two mantras at a time and see what works for you.
Begin with intention - visualize the hair or hair style that you would like to have.
The first few times focus on the mantra and have it fixed it your mind. See what comes to mind as you focus on the affirmation. If anything negative arises - go there and question it. There may be something there that is holding not only our hair regrowth back, but perhaps other parts of your life.
Once your mantra presents you with clear and positive images, let go of the images and focus only on the repetition. You may find it easier to use your breath while repeating affirmations as you get started.
When you are comfortable with your mantra(s), use them at different intervals throughout the day, repeating at least twice each time.
As you become more experienced using affirmations, they will become automatic. You may find yourself driving in the car or the grocery store and suddenly take notice of what is going on in your head. Once you have set the intention of your mantra, it will work on its own speed - you just have to be mindful to use the repetition at different times throughout the day. Remember, in order for an mantra to work, you must first set the intention, focus on it and then let it go and believe that it will manifest.

4 Word Mantras (affirmations)

I have healthy hair
Shiny, long, silky hair
My hair is growing
My hair is long (curly, healthy, use your own adjective here)
I love my hair
I have abundant hair
Love my hair regrowth

These are some suggestions for mantras - they are simple, but effective. Play around with them and personalize them to your liking, keeping them easy to remember and repeat. Use them in conjunction with meditation to become even more effective.

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This made me smile, going to give it a try...after all I only have negative thoughts running around up there.
Hey Alex,
Yeah... I know all about those negative thoughts - I think it is like that for most people. It's funny though - using mantras does help keep those thoughts in check if you become aware of your thoughts on a regular basis.

How long have you had alopecia?
Hrmm, I had it when I was 2 or 3...but my parents rub spend hours rubbing the bald patches and hair would grow back. High school was when it really started to get bad...and just a few months ago my eyebrows are kicking the bucket! So about....10 years?

Ah, good times.
Must be tough as a teenager to go through that. How have other people (teenagers) been towards you? And what have you done to minimize it - hats or shaving?

Have you had all your hormones (thyroid, etc) and nutrients (vitamins and minerals) checked out to make sure you aren't deficient in something? You would have to do blood tests and saliva tests for this.

If you liked the mantras, you could try the meditation I put together. It's only 10 minutes but it works well with the mantras. Someone has asked me to make a 30 minute MP3 meditation to upload on to her ipod so she can listen to before going to sleep. If you like the 10 min. one let me know and I will let you know when the 30 minute one is ready.
As a teenager it was a nightmare...just waking up an hour early to cover up all my was rough. There were a few times where kids would make fun of me...but luckily I'm 5'5" so I'm used to it. Hah!

For the past few years I've just been shaving it everyday....doesn't help that my skull has a weird shape to it. Lately I've been jogging with my hat off, feels amazing to be free.

I've never had anything checked other than some scalp samples done about 10 years ago. I have an appointment with a specialist though so I'll talk to them, hopefully they can help me out!

I do love to just lay back and fall asleep listening to my ipod a few nights a week...I'll check it out




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