Just wondering if anyone went for special blood test to see if maybe something else was wrong. We just went for some blood work for my 5 year old son who has Alopecia and he had an elevated level in his Potassium, it was 6.1(Norm 3.8-5.1). Another doctor told his to go for a special potassium test called Plasma Potassium. Also, we notice our son's hand always look wrinkly, like he just came out from the pool. I know the two aren't related, but who knows. Also, when my son defecates, I swear he always clogs the bowl. His defecation is larger than a tennis ball, and seeing this come out of a 5 year old, I'm amazed.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Good Luck & God Bless to Everyone.

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My 8 year old has had alopecia since he was 5. We went to a pediatric endocrinologist about 1 1/2 years ago and she took a tremendous amount of blood. He had no other autoimmune disease. They even tested my blood. I think everything was normal except liver enzymes but when they retested they came up fine. Hope this helps you. Hang in there.
I didn't have any blood tests done for the Alopecia, but over the years I have had full blood counts done, and they have never shown any other abnormalities.

I am relieved if what someone else said about multiple auto immune deficiencies being rare is true. As only today went to my GP with the possibilty of Reynaurd's disease which is where your hands can go numb and white/blue/discoloured because of an extreme reaction to the cold and I myself was wondering if there could be a link, so thank you!
I just found out my son may have a Pituitary tumor and DOES have hypotyroidism...found it all out cause his hair was falling out. They told me his blood work is kinda all over the place - could be autoimmune and endocrin problems. They did tell me his hair should grow back after some time on the thyroid meds. Had his hair not fallen out I would never have known just how much is going wrong in his body. As someone said before please look up some things about autoimmune disease and Endocrin disorders in children. There are so many your eyes will pop out, and most effect hair growth and hormones.
o and last thought, my son would get severly constipated and pass huge plugs (but its linked with his thyroid problems)
I appreciate your reply. I am going to look this up myself now & the next time we goto the doctor bring all of this up. It's better when your a little more knowledgeable about topics. God Bless you and your son..Hope all goes well. Keep me informed & I the same...
My 7-year-old daughter was diagnosed with alopecia areata AND hypothyroidism a few months ago. I first went to a regular, board-certified dermatologist who did not require any bloodwork, just prescribed steroid creams. I next went to a pediatric dermatologist who requested bloodwork. It showed that her thyroid function was abnormal, and he referred me to a pediatric endocrinologist. The endocrinologist is treating her thyroid condition successfully. I would love to say now that her thyroid is being treated, her alopecia is getting better, but alas, that is not the case. She has grown new hair since being on Synthroid, but then a few weeks later, the alopecia gradually takes it away. The doctor emphasized to me that they are two separate diseases, one doesn't cause the other. Incidentally, my daughter had NONE of the symptoms of hypothyroidism -- tired, constipated, etc. but she was in fact profoundly hypothyroid. For this reason, I would whole-heartedly recommend requesting bloodwork for the thyroid or any other autoimmune disorder you may suspect -- just to be on the safe side. Good luck and God Bless you.
ok my daughter(8)yrs old has alopecia areata , at first i waz horrafied to realise she was looseing hair so i braught her to the dermatologyst . I felt better that she had an answer ,but later i find that she actually has elevated liver function in the eightys too im so scared all i can do is wait ,but howlong before i really loose it . The tests are takeing so long to get back i just don't know .



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