I was thinking if alopecia is an immunity decease, we should be doing all we could to keep or get a healthy immune system. Example: Why take biotin for the hair, if the hair is shedding, because of the immune system? Forget about what shampoo or condition to use. We should be taking healthy dosages of vitamin C and E, since it helps to maintain a healthy immune system. There are other vitamins and healthy foods that targets the immune system.

What do you think?

Antioxidants for Immunity: Where to Find Them?


How to boost your immune system. http://www.health.harvard.edu/flu-resource-center/how-to-boost-your...

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Immune system attacks your hair so I think boosting the thing that is destroying your hair is a bad idea.
Oh okay. I kind of thought of the immune system being unhealthy, that was why it was attacking. Give me your thoughts.
I agree, an overactive immune system is not a "healthy" system. I give my daughter a multivitamin, a biotin, and a vitamin D every day.

Check out this latest research on AA - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21616562 -. Despite repeat assurance from her pediatrician and her dermatologist, I am constantly worry about my daughter's health.
Thanks for the information. Prior to me getting AA, I had a vitamin D, deficiencie. I just read an article from MayoClinic.com:

. Recently, research also suggests vitamin D may provide protection from osteoporosis, hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer, and several autoimmune diseases.

There are side effect of vit D. attach website below.

Yeah I've read something about that also. It was a nice thought that I could get vitamin D from sunbeds - have a nice tan and also "heal" I've tried that but didn't work (I did have a tan though). Maybe some mouth vitamin D would help. I thought about vitamin D after my blood test showed too much Calcium in my blood, no doctor really explained why that is, but my internet research led me to vitamin D - witch helps absorb Calcium...But if there is too much Calcium in my blood does that mean it's absorbed or just floating around and not absorbed by the parts witch need it?
LOL, I did know one can't get vitamin D from sunbeds, but get this, I did not know when my calcium was off the charts to take Vitamin D. The doctors instead sent me for cancer tests. SMH(shaking my head). If there is too much calcium in the blood it is release though urine. Calcium in the urine should not be, which brings us to Hypercalcemia. A medical termfor high blood calcium. Which brings us to parathyroid and hyperparathyroidism disease.

Well during this ordeal, from low vit D, high calcium, test for cancer, sista lost her hair.
I've never been tested for cancer, but I guess If something would lead to that I would have already been tested. I've got a lot of tests. and My thyroid is fine... Sorry I didn't understand your sister lost hair her because of a thyroid disease?
LOl. sista is a term for another topic. I am talking about myself. Yes your right, you would have been tested. This doctor just was a $$^*( The doctors who tested me laugh at the dr, who referred me. Your fine. I was fine. I was thinking all that was going on might have started the ball rolling of hair lost. Well I do thyroid problems. No I was not say that I lost my hair due to thyroid disease. Of cause one can. I lost my hair because enough is not known about AA to help us.
I think it's always a good idea to try and keep a healthy immune system.
Doctors are still very unsure about what actually causes auto-immune diseases, but from my understanding it's not a case of your immune system being too strong - it's more about the blood cells not recognising what they're meant to be fighting and what they're meant to protect! For whatever reason, they go a bit crazy and attack the wrong things.
I'm not a scientist, but a lot of people I know who have auto-immune diseases (diabetes, MG, rheumatoid arthtirits, etc) try to avoid infections as they can leave them really run down. And to avoid infections you need to keep your immune system supported (nutrition, enough sleep etc)
Maybe in some cases the same applies to alopecia? For me, the biggest shedding I had was soon after having the flu. So now I'm going to avoid ever getting flu again!
Thank you so much AJ for the information, it was very informative. All you said made good sense. So has we should ,get and keep our immune system as strong as possible, to avoid our cells having to fight anything off and getting it wrong. Thank you again. Are you seeing new growth?
Hey Angie, you're welcome. No regrowth yet but it seems to be quite contained at the moment, so fingers crossed!
I'm trying to think a bit more about nutrition - but I think a healthy balance is important. I'll never be a health freak - life without treats would be too dull!
Your new with AA, sometimes it takes a while for the hair to grow back. Mine AA started in 2009, It's now growing in. So don't get discourage, take care of your mental health also, (very important part) I have been wearing scarves and hats, I just started wearing my hair out, without it looking like something is wrong. “Patience is a virtue" It was hard for me, but I have an awesome support system at home , plus all our brothers, sisters oh and our Godmother (Tallgirl) my support is off the chain. We got your back. LOL, I love treats, I'm going to bake a cake tonight. From the box of cause. LOL .Glad to meet you sis!



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