So this may be a topic of some controversy but I am hoping to get some feedback from my fellow AAs. I first was diagnosed with AA when I was 7, which very quickly turned into AU within the same year. By my teenage years it started to grow back in very small and patchy areas but I am happy to say it grew fully back by the time I was 17. Now that I am 54 (sigh) my hair is falling out again. I have dealt with small patches here and there throughout the time I had hair but it has come back with a vengeance now. With that said, I have stopped putting anything in my body (vitamins, mineral, supplements, etc) in hopes my system will settle down and start to grow my hair again and it is staring to work. So here’s the part that some people may not like… I have decided not to get vaccinated for the corona virus because I have no idea how my body will react to it and neither do the doctors as the C-19 is so new. My hair is just starting to come back again in bits and pieces and I would hate to get the vaccine and have it start to fall out again. Any thoughts? 

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Yes it is YOUR decision, and yours only. Don't let anyone bully you or attempt to shame you for that decision. 

Alkaline it is then !! Thanks
Alkaline it is then !! Thanks
Alkaline it is then !! Thanks

Just an FYI (from my personal experience):

My AA was pretty much under control (just with diet, exercise, and supplements) until I contracted COVID-19 in December. COVID-19 does a number on your system and my hair started falling out a lot more even in the months after my recovery (prior to being vaccinated). I even had a skin rash issue (mostly along my forehead) that wouldn't go away for a few months (I used a topical from my dermatologist daily, then a few times a week, then once a week, and now I hardly use it).

I got fully vaccinated, and since I've started tofacitinib my hair has started coming back.

I'm sorry that your hair is falling out again and that it is so hard for you. Getting vaccinated or not is a very personal decision. If you feel you are doing what is best for you, then that's the correct decision. Same with the diet!

You are right. Everything is new in the pandemic. But I will be very straight forward. What good would her hair be with her life threatened by Corona in an ICU? Protect your life and then take care of your hair. Get vaccinated now!

I am on the same page and am skeptical about getting the vaccine. I am not an anti vaxer, but I have dealt with alopecia two times. I am not sure what triggered these episodes but the first time I had AT(lasted about 3 years then full regrowth) and the second time AU(about 2 years after regrowth and lasted for about 3-4 years). Currently I have all my hair back and am worried that the vaccine could trigger my hair to fall out again. I am only 22 and for me it is a difficult situation. For me it isn't as easy as "it's only hair and that I should put my life before hair." I do agree, but I definitely dealt with a lot of bullying, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts from having to deal with Alopecia. Instead of people understanding or sympathizing they would make fun of me and make me feel like an outcast because "hair" was important to people especially being a female.  I know probably others have dealt with the same things but I am not at a place of "acceptance" where hair or not, I would be ok. I do wish there was more research to help make a decision. Honestly, the only reason I would want to get the vaccine is to be able to travel next year, and yes I know to some it may be a stupid reason but these are my opinions and I know some of you may not agree, but please be respectful. Any helpful advice would be great.

I understand how you must feel Hanna.  I am 36 years old and never had alopecia before I reached the age of 35, but the AA onset for me began in November 2019 and progressed during the early part of the COVID pandemic.  I had never been so depressed, alone and confused.  People do not understand how much our persona, identity and mental health stem from how we see ourselves and it's traumatic to feel the pain of a rapid change like alopecia areata and the fear of it happening over and over.  I want you to know though, that I did take the COVID vaccine even though I didn't know how it would work out for me.  I also got on the trial for Pfizer's Ritlecitinib 8 months before the vaccine was available to me.  It was ultimately ok for me.  The drug worked, my hair grew back within 5 months.  After the vaccine, I had no hair loss, no complications, etc.  Soon, in the not too distant future, JAK inhibitors will be approved by the FDA for Alopecia Areata. I am certain we will all be watching pharma commercials for AA like we do for so many autoimmune diseases.  They are not perfect, not without some risks, like the vaccines for COVID are, but I would choose, again and again the COVID vaccine AND a JAK inhibitor.  A personal choice, but for me, the life I want to live is one where I suppose I have to cope with the risks and ultimately, I'm thankful that I'm in the privileged position to even be able to take these risks.  I wish you all the best and hope that whatever you do it works for you.

Thank you so much for your reply! I really appreciate all your advice and feedback. It definitely helps hearing someone else's experience! Take care!



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