Hey fellow alopecians!

I was just wondering if anyone has had a similar situation to this: I have had alopecia for about 2 years, and in the past month I not only have more patches, but I am experiencing a general thinning out of my hair. I had blood tests down and all my levels of things are just peachy! (good and bad.. I was hoping for a quick fix like everything else!) I now don't feel comfortable without a hat on.. which is okay because I get a reason to get more cute hats! But of course deep down it's traumatizing. Did anyone's AA progress to AT this way? Some places I can feel some fuzzy stuff, perhaps re growth.

Also! Once you shave your head, do you keep shaving it an rely solely on your wig?

Thank you for your time,


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Thank you both for your responses! It's really special and lovely to communicate with people also going through this. I agree it's a situation that will teach me how to view beauty differently.. and I'm going to do my best to accept my hair as it is. Easier said than done. But, I don't know how much hair should be lost before I shave it. I don't know.

Thank you for your time Stephanie and Stacey, you both are inspirations.
Hi Shauna,

I've had AA since I was 3. I'm now 26 and have AU. It started thinning out 2.5 years ago, I had no spots which is what I usually had growing up. The only other time my AA was really bad was when I was about 9-10 years old. I don't really remember having patchy hair loss with my current bout of AA. It was mainly excessive thinning until it all fell out. I remember getting some fuzzy regrowth soon after the hair fell out but then I stopped getting the regrowth.

I've given up on medications. I think if it's going to grow back, then it will. I started wearing hats then got into scarves. I don't think wigs are for me.

I can't help but hope for it to grow back. Having said that, it's a good feeling to not have to worry about my hair falling out anymore and not stressing about it.
Same here! I had AA for a good 20 years before it esculated into AU about four years ago. Iv had some hair growth due to my research but its not stayed or not grown beyond a mm in length.

I too have gone down the hats and scarf route, I do have wigs but they make me itch.

I have had AA since I was 7 (now 27), it has gone into "remission" 3 times but when I got prego with my youngest son (now 15 months) I started lossing hair again. I am now without eyelashes, most of my eyebrow, leg hair, arm hair, and most of the hair on the top of my head. I shaved my head at the end of August b/c I just couldnt deal with the loss any more. I don't wear a wig, I just have scarves and cute hats to cover my head when I'm cold. I only have to shave my head about once every other week or so now. Right after I shaved for the first time I would have to do what I call keep up shaving 2-3 times a week, But I'm lossing so much hair still that I dont have to that much anymore.
I had what started as AA ... head patches and diffuse thinning of hair. My body hair and facial hair fell out months before without me really noticing! Then AT quickly (within a few weeks) went to AU. I shaved my head when it was about 70 percent gone - the rest fell out rapidly. That was it. Now I wear wigs and scarves. It's been 10 years!



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