I just wondered if anyone had their AA begin after another illness. My 5 year old was diagnosed with AA...and this all happened after the magical "3 month mark" of several illnesses she had. 3 months prior she was diagnosed with an ear tumor, had a very bad flu like illness with a high fever for 4-5 days and contracted molluscum contagiosum (a viral skin disease). It seemed she had the perfect storm and her poor little body went through so much.

I am curious if anyone else had their hair loss begin after a similar situation (of illness). Every doctor and dermatologist tells me that it is just AA and it is unpredictable, don't know what triggers it, blah blah blah. When I ask if it could be from her being sick they just say "well I have never heard of that before".

Please share.

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I am convinced my daughters alopecia was triggered by food allergies. She started getting patches at 7 years old. We took her to a holistic doctor who completed muscle testing and "cleared" her of the food allergies, along with some environmental ones as well. She had stomach aches a lot before the clearing of allergies, now she has no stomach issues. She also put her on curcumin and a probiotic to heal the gut and strengthen and stabilize her immune system. Tried steroid creams and shots but nothing....she went totalis a year after her first spot. We took her to a specialist at Cleveland Clinic who intruduced us to DPCP. We began that and slowly took the dosage up to a level that caused a slight reaction on her scalp, redness, slight itching. Once we got the dosage correct, she began to grow her hair back. Within 6 months she had a full head of hear, minus a couple of stubborn areas above her ear and at the nape of her neck that we are still working to restore. I just pray daily that she will keep the hair and this will not return. I truly feel that the combination of the curcumin, probiotic, and the DpCP has truly helped.

My daughter was just diagnosed with AA. She is 7 years old.  I am so confused and just found this website. Any information you have would be so helpful.  Thank you.

My daughter was diagnosed about a year and a half ago.  We go through stages where it is "better" and "worse".  It doesn't seem to bother her yet but she is so young.  My best advice is to not make a big deal about it in front of her (you can scream when she isn't around...lol).  I am very gentle on her hair and use Pantene anti-breakage/fall shampoo.  I don't put her hair up a lot and wash it only every few days unless it is really needed.  I am trying to prepare myself of anything.  The worst part is the not knowing what you will face next.  Was your daughter's triggered by any illness that you can think of?

Not that I know of, but her grandpa died 2 months before I saw the spot.  I think that it caused her a lot of stress because she was really close with him.  She started school at the same time and had a teacher that was really mean to her and I am thinking those two things combined may have triggered it, but I am not sure.  On side note we worked things out at school and she is much happier now.  I haven't noticed any new spots and her hair is starting to grow back.  I have been applying lavender oil to the spot.

Where do you get the lavender oil?  Have you used any other medicines?

Just the lavender oil - you can get it here:

Hello. My daughter was initially diagnosed with AA at 15 mos old, quickly became AT at 18 mos. This happened after she contracted the infant cold sores caused by the herpes simplex virus 1. She was put on oral antibiotics to curb the spread, she was about  yr old then. Sometime after she started losing her baby hair, brows and lashes.

Her lashes and brows have grown back but thin-like and blond white.  She is now 2 yrs and 8 mos old. We have tried oral prednisone, topical steroid ointment combined with Rogaine. She initially had hair follicles growing but closed in again after she turned 2 after suffering  low grade fever for 5 days. That was when we realize that treating only the symptoms wont work long term. We researched some more and led to conclusion that the biggest immune organ is the human gut and must be treated. We brought her to a Naturopathic doctor in July last yr and she has been on probiotics, fish oil, multi vitamin. We are also treating her eczema which started at 1 yr old. We also think certain food is triggering it. We have since removed dairy, soy, peanut and tree nuts as she was shown to be allergic to all these. She was tested for Celiac and yielded negative. Hence, we didnt have to put her on gluten free diet....otherwise, what else will she eat?

Can you provide more info about Curcumin? is it available as a capsule or tablet? Where can we get it?

Is your daughter still doing this DPCP treatment? Can it be done to a younger child like ours without side effects?

I still have my ups and down about her condition....sometimes I wonder if she will ever get her hair back...if she will get to pin or tie her hair....

Would appreciate any further info you can provide, we intend to discuss these with her Naturopathic doctor and Pedia Derma.  All her thyroid, kidney and other panel test came back normal range, so we are flabbergasted why this Alopecia happened. I had a good pregnancy with her, I am not allergic to anything, even her father....and yet this auto immune disorder happened.

Thank you.


Hi, I had my first patch shortly after having chicken pox. I was an adult when I got it. I swear this is what started aa for me. I now have au.

oh wow must be so hard for you and daughter best of luck how about getting beautiful headwraps for her so she can look just as pretty



My daughter has alopecia, anaphylactic food allergies, eczema, asthma, and crohn's disease.  All are auto immune conditions and her situation while being quite extreme is not unusual (sadly).  

At this time nobody is really able to help us with causation.  There does seem to be a genetic link, but trials and investigations are still going on.  Watch this space...I have great hope that there will be something to help with these conditions in the future.


Hi, I was diagnosed with alopecia areata age 14 about 6 months after I had Mononeucleosis (Epstein Barr Virus),and my doctor has always thought it was related.


My daughter's AA began around 18 months of age. It was cyclical for many years and about two years ago it started really progressing. She is almost 8 years old. I have done extensive research and learned of an association between Celiac Disease and AA. We tested her for Celiac and she has it. She is now on a gluten free diet and taking digestive enzymes, amino acids to address leaky gut, and most importantly probiotics. She is a kid who had many rounds of antibiotics which hurt her ratio of good to bad bacteria in her gut. She also has severe eczema, asthma and allergies.

In addition, she tested positive for the MTHFR gene mutation. You can learn more at MTHFR.net. Basically this gene's job is to break down nutrients for the job of detoxification of the body from the many toxins in our food and environment. If someone's MTHFR gene doesn't function right, they have trouble removing toxins naturally and they need support in this area. I'm oversimplifying the process here but that's one aspect. Supplements and creams can be given to address this issue. We just started this recently so no big results to share yet. But our naturopathic practitioner indicated my daughter has heavy metals she's holding onto. We are in the process of detoxifying her slowly with homeopathic solutions and the cream to support the MTHFR issue. Also, our naturopathic practitioner helped a friend who's daughter had experienced full hair loss AA and within 6 months of treatment had a complete head of hair.

For anyone who hasn't traveled down these alternative paths, I recommend looking into testing for gluten sensitivity and MTHFR gene mutation. I have found a lot of dead ends with Western medicine so I've become more and more willing to learn about alternatives. Not everyone is ready to take the leap of faith required, but if you are it can be amazing. I have a policy that I try the alternative doctor out on myself first before taking my daughter. Through her illness I'm also improving my health because they've uncovered root causes to illness that I never thought I'd have answers to.

Finally, the Paleo Diet is the best diet out there for autoimmune. It's the most nutrient dense and it is an anti-inflammatory diet. Paleo is meat, veggies, fruits but no dairy, gluten, grains, corn or soy. To hear an amazing story that will inspire anyone with an autoimmune disease, google "Terry Wahls Ted Talk" and her talk on "Minding Your Mitochondria" will come up. She reversed her multiple sclerosis with diet and nutrition and got herself out of a wheelchair. Her story is nothing short of spectacular. We haven't been able to get my daughter on that diet yet but she's doing great with gluten free so it's one step at a time. The best autoimmune information available on the internet can be found from Dr. Amy Meyers, Dr. Mark Hyman and Chris Kresser. I have learned so much over the last year about autoimmunity through their podcasts and video interviews. For the first time since this all began, I feel very hopeful. Best to all of you on your own personal health journeys. Never give up hope!



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