I just wondered if anyone had their AA begin after another illness. My 5 year old was diagnosed with AA...and this all happened after the magical "3 month mark" of several illnesses she had. 3 months prior she was diagnosed with an ear tumor, had a very bad flu like illness with a high fever for 4-5 days and contracted molluscum contagiosum (a viral skin disease). It seemed she had the perfect storm and her poor little body went through so much.

I am curious if anyone else had their hair loss begin after a similar situation (of illness). Every doctor and dermatologist tells me that it is just AA and it is unpredictable, don't know what triggers it, blah blah blah. When I ask if it could be from her being sick they just say "well I have never heard of that before".

Please share.

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Hey Kelly, Would you mind sharing the contact information of your naturopath? Thanks so much.


My three year old was just diagnosed with it yesterday. Last year when he was two he had the motor virus. But before and after that he has always had horrible fevers where he would shake uncontrollably and as a baby he had bronchitis a lot. He gets fevers quite often. And as an infant he was diagnosed with being allergic to milk protein. I'm not sure but with him his hair has been falling out a lot between the fevers. The doctor yesterday didn't sound like sage knew much about what's going in with my little man.

I am sorry to hear you are going through this and the doctor's don't seem to be able to help you.  That is what I run into all the time.  It is always "well we don't really know" or "that is unusual" kind of comments.  I find it hard to believe that physical stress from either external circumstances or illness can't be linked to hair loss.  Please keep us posted and best of luck to you. 

Almost 4 years ago, I had an epidural abscess.  As a result, I had emergency surgery to remove the abscess and then had 12 weeks of intense antibiotics three times per day put into a port in my chest, followed by another 10 weeks of oral antibiotics.  about 6-7 months after my last round of antibiotics, I developed AA, which has since turned to AU (though I have some eyebrows).  I'm convinced my AA developed either as a result of my illness, the trauma from the surgery or the amount of antibiotic I had to put in me to get rid of the infection.  Unfortunately, there isn't a way to reverse the effects as far as I know.  

I am sorry you have had to go through all this.  Best of luck to you.

MJ, I'm sorry to hear this happened to you. Based on what I have read and listened to, it is very likely that AA and AU resulted from this extensive antibiotic treatment by killing off all the good bacteria from your gut and creating a "leaky gut" where things not meant to be directly in your bloodstream got through. This would lead to setting off your immune system to attack. Look into Terry Wahls Ted Talk http://youtu.be/KLjgBLwH3Wc, "The Autoimmune Solution" by Amy Myers and "The Autoimmune Protocol" by Sarah Ballantyne. There are great stories of reversing all types of autoimmune diseases once the root cause is managed. Western Medicine manages symptoms with pharma, functional medicine and naturopathic medicine looks for the root cause. Best of luck to you in your journey.

There has to be a reason for hair loss- I am not a doctor of course but it only takes common sense to figure out our bodies don't just have things happen for no reason. Perhaps an extreme stressful situation can be the cause but I have to believe there is usually a root cause no matter what these dermatologist and other drs say. We found out that our 4 yr old who began losing his hair a little over a month ago had a huge blood work up done and found he was allergic to Gluten and that has cause an egg and shell fish allergy (possible corn too). He body has tried for years to compensate and manage the gluten allergy that now his body is attacking itself ( hair follicles) and other things like blood platelets etc. we are now doctoring at Mayo and are praying and hopeful that we will get things under control and begin to heal his little body.

I wish I could find out how many other cases there are like Logan's???

Hi. As far as I understood, Alopecia is often triggered by stress - whether emotional or physical. My so, now 10, developed Alopecia universalis at the age of 6 years after his daddy left - i.e. emotional stress - and my daughter, now 12, developed AA a few weeks after major surgery. She was in ICU and was very ill and this physical stress on her body triggered the alopecia. So I think it is not necessarily specific illness that causes it, but rather the stress the illness puts on the body - if that makes sense?

Hi. My daughter was diagnosed and we can't figure out what triggered this.
How severe?
I started using an antifungal treatment after medicine fromDerm didn't work.
This worked in a few weeks.
Good luck

My daughter is 4.5 with AA since 20 mo. When it started, it was coincidental with a throat infection and a course of antibiotics. I have no idea if that sickness or the antibiotics had triggered it, I guess there is no way of knowing. We've seen many doctors in Australia and Canada, including specialist paediatric dermatologists. None of them has been able to offer anything beyond pretty much 'it's autoimmune, it may get better, it may not, we just don't know.'

Regardless, ensure your little one is on a solid diet (this is a must) if he isn't already. Topical treatment using essential oils diluted in good quality ginger juice (for its JAK inhibitors) or natural oils like castor/kukui/coconut has been helpful for us. However, no doctor has looked at the root cause, why is our immune system attacking the hair. Lately I'm learning more about how to fix a malfunctioning immune system that's causing autoimmunity, and learned that there are powerful plant foods that can help rebalance our system. Some of these foods have also been studied for treatment of autoimmune related conditions. They are merely foods so there are no side effects and completely safe for kids, so I'm comfortable with that. They are foods such as certain kinds of mushrooms - ABM, turkey tail, cordyceps, ganoderma, reishi - and cactus, a highly nutritious plant. I'm more interested in a solution for the long term for my daughter, instead of resorting to meds as I've heard countless stories of recurrence when they use meds, because the root cause remains unfixed.

These foods have also helped keep sickness at bay for my little one, so I believe it is working somehow but will take time as our cells regenerate over time.

Have you tried the natural and holistic route? I only suggest this route, because it has given me results. After two years of trial and error- I have my hair and health!  (Thank the Lord and the Heavens) and am now on a mission to help others too. I have posted on my IG account, (same name) with so many articles about people doing treatments, meds, and all with no results or horrible side effects that have led to other illness and issues. I wrote a book and researched so much and am please to share that my client also see results. Try going holistic. It will take time, but your body will heal from the inside out. Don’t ever expect overnight success. No pill will give you that, bu rest assured, mother nature and natural healing has no negative side effects. Wishing you all the best. www.alopeciaangel.com for more info, pictures, testimonials, my story with pics and much more! 

I hope your daughter gets fine soon. I understand how it feels to see your child in pain. My daughter's was triggered by a mono/strep illness. They say it is caused by stress which means a stress to the immune system. They have found a gene but something has to trigger the condition. My daughter is also suffering from hair fall due to that condition. 



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