Hi everyone!
I,ve got bit of a problem with my wig.
I mean, everyone says is sooo perfect, anyway I got one a few weaks ago and i have still not got this vacuum (spell?) that you should get, I mean, sometimes I can pull my hair in the back, but if i look up or doing some fast move this "gets up" and i'm getting really tired of it cause i've really tried to put the wig right on my head, but it just doesn't work, help! It shouldn't be like this? Is the wig wrong made cause i remembered when i tried it without the hair and I didn't get this vacuum, but then she said that they were going to fix it there, so what if it didn't got right? / from a frustraded girl

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Hi, I just watched a clip on u tube this morning about how to put them on properly, a lady called Deb something? Maybe you could see if you could locate it. Sorry can't be of more help.
Josephine, contact your Freedom Wigs IA. Sounds like you have a fit problem. Your FW should not come loose when you look up. When your IA was doing your fit, that should be one of the test. I hope she gets back to you soon and has a solution to this problem.
Thank´s, I definitely will!
Hi Josephine

I'm so sorry you are having problems. As porcelinh has suggested it would be a very good idea to get hold of your Independent Agent, (I believe that will be Jenny). She is such a lovely lady and will do her best to make sure this is put to rights for you.

My daughter has been wearing this type of hairpiece for the last 8 years and I have a good knowledge of some of the things that can go wrong and become challenging for wearers. When my daughter first started wearing her Freedom hairpiece she had a habit of putting her hairpiece on a little too far forward (this made it feel very tight), but it also was the wrong place to put it. Eventually (after a little hounding by me and the IA's that were helping us) she worked out how it was suppose to feel and where it should sit. I'm not sure if this might be the problem you are having (maybe not), but your IA needs to talk with you to work out what is going on. If there is a problem with fit it can and will be sorted, so please don't worry.

Did you receive your DVD with your new hairpiece (as Martine, the blonde lady) in the DVD has some very good tips on what to do while putting your hair on. If you don't have this DVD talk to Jenny and ask her to get one for you. If you do and it's just not working for you again talk to Jenny and she will get to the bottom of the problem you are having.

I can imagine this is quite frustrating, but work through it and it will come right. :)


I have been using wigs for two years now and I bought it from http://www.for-wigs.com. I'm very satisfied on it it is very durable and cheap and now I will buy a new HH wig I found one here http://www.for-wigs.com/category-s/1514.htm and it is very beautiful and affordable



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