Hey to all..Haven't been on in awhile. Fighting my AS and a new round of SEVERE hairloss. It has slowed down for awhile and then increased about 2 months ago. Dr. Berfeld of CC put me on 50 mcg of Alactone about a year ago and it seemed to help. When the shed started back up about 2 months ago she increased it to 75 and then it went crazy. I was shocked and not expecting this. So for the last 2 months my hair has come out I'm estimating (pretty good at this by now) at least 3000 hairs every single time I wash it and all day every other day. I told her how bad it was and that it had to be the Aldactone but of course they are saying it must be stress...but no knew stress SO I know this is what is happening. So last week they started me on a 3 week regimin of Prednisone to try to stop this nightmare...but so far the only thing I've gained is the ugly weight. I am beyond devastated. So tired of this evil curse. I don't want to talk to anyone or leave the house. They don't have a name for it. They always called it TE, never alopecia areata. But I am losing all my hair so call it what they will...I am so exhausted and simply don't understand. I can't talk to ANYONE about it..no one gets it..:(

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I feel your pain when it comes to your hair and severe shedding, its devastating.....to us as women. I wish there was a cure for hairloss.... they wonder why there are so many depressed people in this world! Hopefully one day they will find a cure I hope.... will send my prayers your way, as I myself go thru this on a daily basis. If you are not going thru this personally, its hard for anyone to comprehend. HUGS.... and your sooo very pretty! ANdrea

Thank you Andrea...Yes, I live one day at a time through faith and hope...Just praying for a better day ...Life is too short to be so miserable...Thank you for your kind words...God bless...

Hello~ I absolutely agree that "no one gets it". When I first started losing my hair, I told a very good friend about it and she laughed....she LAUGHED! It was at that moment when I figured no one would truly understand. Thank God, my husband has been a HUGE support. He helps put the my "foam" on the bald patches at night and feels my pain. This website is certainly helpful because the bottom line is....everyone on here does "get it" because we are living it! Your hair looks very beautiful. I haven't gone to check out wigs yet...just wearing hats right now. (kind of scared) I wish I could find one as natural looking as yours. I am on prednisone as an anti-rejection for a kidney transplant 3 years ago. It seems wierd that I am taking pred. to lower my immune system, yet my immune system is attacking my hair follicles. I don't understand either. UGH!

Thanks Michelle. You are so right. I have a double whammy going on to with my hairloss and A.S. My body is attacking itself in every way it seems. So I can so relate to you. My hair is getting worse every day as I am told to just hang in there. I just want it to be over! ONE way or the other....Thank God for good husbands and for those who do understand....hugs...



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