Hi all

I haven't posted before but been a non-active member for a while and I'm writing now when my hair is in a "not falling out" phase!

My hair first fell out in 2006, completely - had body hair but none on my head and very suddenly which if stress is a factor it's true I was coming out of a 10 year period of prolonged extreme stress and I have to say all my hair on my head falling out certainly added to that since I had no history of alopecia before.

So, Since then I am lucky enough to have a reasonably full head of hair most of the time (just with bald patches here and there) and I'm thankful for that. But lots of hair, no hair anywhere - whatever the situation I am determined to get to the bottom of it!

I decided to post on here to see if any of my thoughts ring a bell with anyone else and this is what I've noticed about my own alopecia "problem":

I am convinced alopecia is related to allergies and food intolerance - that's not the only reason, it must be a combination of factors, but I feel this one is a definite for me, despite doctors in the UK "assuring" me otherwise - they are adamant there is no link between the two.

I do have allergies and intolerances - mostly to do with food but I have learnt that there is a link on a molecular or enzyme level (someone can correct me here) between latex, tropical fruit (kiwi in particular) and nuts - although I'm not allergic to all nuts I have a fatal allergy to only brazil nuts, the others I can eat just with a little mouth itch, which is tolerable on occasion - peanuts absolutely fine! Latex is a big problem, tropical fruit, major mouth itch. So, I steer clear of these foods, potatoes are another problem, fruit including tomatoes ok if its cooked, not if its raw...etc.

Although allergies and intolerances may not directly be the cause of alopecia, they certainly contribute and I think its because they upset the balance in the body and that for me is the key. Everything in moderation - don't go mad and exercise, don't diet, do yoga (or take time to breathe deeply to relax), if you have stress in your life deal with it head on and sort it out once and for all, keep motivated but don't exhaust yourself, really listen to your body - even ask your body what it needs before you go to sleep and see if you get some ideas and if you do, try them out! I don't believe it takes months for the body to react to anything at all so if its not working within a week, try something else - that's what I do.

I'm not free of hair loss, but I'm not bald either. I don't know why this is but I have found that changing my lifestyle and above all my mental approach to life has kept it at bay.

Please let me know your thoughts - any feedback welcome.

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I'm happy for you that you have found things that have help you and your hair loss. I started losing my hair in 2011, within 6mo having total hair loss. I also have food allergies/intolerances: gluten, dairy, latex, etc. I hope one day I find things that will help my hair to come back.

I have no growth at all!! My hair did grow back when I was taking the immunosuppressants but did all fall out shortly after stopping them. I believe that I now have what is called Alopecia Universalis. Losing my eyelashes and eyebrows was definitely the hardest part of this!!!



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