Are there any other women out there who have alopecia and had their hair grow back during pregnancy? I'm asking because I was completely bald before I was pregnant, grew enough hair to almost cosmetically go without a wig during pregnancy, and then lost it all again after my son was born. I know doctors say alopecia is an auto immune disorder, but my experience leads me to think it may be hormonal. I'd appreciate any input on the subject.

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To AnGel, that is the opposite of what happened to me! I had a small spot when I was 15 and grew back when I started the birth control. Then when I discontinued the pill, my hair started to fall out again until I was completely bald. It started to grow back during my pregnancies, then fell out again all over my body after delivery.

I know this is an old topic but I am currently pregnant (36wks) and I have been having hair regrowth on the top of my head for about a month - it is fine and clear - you can only see it when light hits it really. I almost immediately started growing pubic hair though (sorry if TMI) and I have my top eyelashes back. I developed Alopecia Universalis after nursing my now 3yr old. I had thick hair and then completely bald within 2 1/2 months. I have several autoimmune issues but had never had any type of hair loss prior. I nursed my daughter for a year and when she stopped - it started. I fully anticipate this will all fall out as fell but did anyone else experience extreme fatigue with the regrowth?

When I was expecting by second child, my hair was thick, shiny and amazing (I have had AA since 2006 but never anything I could not hide). My hair started falling when he was about 3 months old.  I did not have this in my first pregnancy, or after it. I believe in my case this is stress-related since my first born was very jalous and life was very stressful. My scalp started to itch a lot, too, before the shedding started. My second child is now 20 months old. Unfortunately I am still losing hair, I am AA ophiasis type, very soon AT. To me, the fact that my hair was so shiny and healthy during my pregnancy was hormonal but this hairloss is definitely stress-induced. 



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