Alopecia Areata - Miracle - xeljanz - maybe this wil help you a lot!

Hello Alopecia world!

My name is Sem and i suffer(ed) from alopecia areata and vitiligo.

I had severe AA with only 45% hair left on my head and in beard. I also had great patches of vitiligo in my face.

I dont have to tell you this had a lot of influence on my life work and studies. 

Almost 16 months ago i started on a trial (outside the EU) with xeljanz tofacitinib twice 5 mg per day. It worked like magic! 

In one month the AA and vitiligo stopped spreading.

After 2.5 months i got my first hairgrowth back in beard (first white but it soon became black)

After 6.5 month i got FULLL hairgrowth whole scalp.

And since the trial my vitiligo really became stable. No new patches at all.

The downside was i had to pay for the medicine myself, but not anymore. My insurence abroad pays for and delivers the medicine. 

I have 4 months of xeljanz Tofacitinib (with pharmacy receipt) left. It should be enough to know if it works. I hope it can help somebody. It is not about profits but in case someone wants a trial with the original medicine, please contact me I currently stay in a EU country.

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