Looking to converse with fellow suffers...

The condition is more of an annoyance as I stay clean shaven and have relatively less contrast between my facial hair and skin than do most men (light brown facial hair, olive complexion)

I first noticed alopecia on my chin and jawline about two years ago. I had a couple of quarter sized patches on the front and underneath my chin. I also had striped patches angling away from jawline. I didn't think much of it at first, thinking I needed a better razor or that my beard was going gray in places. After about 6 months, I sought referral to a Dermatologist. By the time I finally saw the Dermatologist, more than a year had passed since the initial symptoms. He did not think my case to be severe and prescribed clobetasol and 2% Minoxidil topicals. I applied these twice a day for about 4 months with no noticeable improvement and then out of nowhere, the conditions resolved over only a few days. I had no detectable patches for about two months. Then suddenly about a month ago, bald patches reappeared overnight. They are in slightly different locations than previously.  I can think of no changes in my health other than both episodes were preceded by periods of anxiety/depression.  

I have another Dermatologist appointment in a month and will likely attempt steroid injections. 

Other info that may of may not matter:

-I had a significant, long lasting acne breakout in the months leading up to the first episode of alopecia

-I increased intake of artificial sweetener around the same time, trying to lose weight. I recently gave these up

-I've been using topical Tazorac on my face for 10 years for acne

-I started doing IPL laser sessions around the time of the first episode to treat rosacea, repeated about every three months. I no longer do this as the Rosacea is mostly gone

Has anyone else had similar experiences?

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