
My name is Ashlyn Mae. I'm eighteen and a professional ballet dancer. I have had Alopecia since I was five, but recently began to wonder exactly what was going on in my body. Along with this auto immune disease, I have Hypothyroidism. The bizarre thing is- I have a complete full head of hair along with normal body hair- but I do not have eyebrows or eyelashes (which is VERY strange to me). I was bald for a while, I believe age 6-8 or so. I started using this shampoo from Germany called Thymuskin. That grew all of the hair on my head back, but never my lashes or brows. For the past year I haven't been using it as I just haven't had the money ($100 a bottle) and my hair has stayed. It's thinned a bit but I've also been dyeing it for a while, so that could be the reason.

Anyways, I guess I'm just curious if anyone else has this type of hair loss. I can't even diagnose which type it is since I don't fit into a category since most of the time people's facial hair (brows and lashes) remain but the hair on their head doesn't.

Would love to hear thoughts.

Thanks! Much love to everyone!

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i have aa on my legs and my daughter has vitiligo on her legs.

Hey there, I think I maybe able to shed some light on this (all be it via my personal experience) 

My AA started nearly 3 years ago. 

I developed a semi-circle on baldness on my left eyebrow. No hair loss anywhere else at all. This semi circle creeped (i won't use spread as that has awful connotations) over the next 2-3 months to basically leave me with a bald patch in the middle of my eyebrow! 

This regrew back over the next 6-9 Months. 

4 Months ago I developed two small bald patches on my scalp (thankfully in a place easily hidden) those have also started to regrow now all be it slowly!

Yes thanks for sharing your experience with us. If you have kind of problem regarding hairs you can ask with me.

Hypothyroidism causes brow loss and scalp hair thinning.



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