This is why some members of the Hungarian Alopecia Areata Assocciation (MAAK) decided to organize an exhibition to raise awareness about Alopecia Areata. We would like to show that men are handsome, children and women are beautiful, and life can be meaningful...even without hair.

Patrícia Verbőci (photographer), Judit Ugrai (make-up artist and photographer) and Évi Tartóczki (stylist) helped us to make our dreams come true.

We chose 'kaTARzis' as the title of the exhibition. The word 'catharsis' means purification of emotions (such as pity and fear) through art, and brings about spiritual renewal and release from tension. The middle syllable "TAR" means bald in Hungarian, and we scrambled the letters in the shadow resolting in ART.

More information about MAAK can be found here:

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