Hi everyone im 24 and had alopecia since i was twelve have very little patches of hair here and there and it is soooo depressing but i try not to think about it as i wear a hair peice. I got my mother to shave it all off yesterday as she is the only one i feel comfortable showing my alopecia too i cried bucket loads and couldnt stop im the same today my parents are trying to be positive about it but i have just had enough i can't take anymore i feel helpless and dont know what to do people say they understand how i feel but in honesty those who dont have it have no idea and then im surrounded by people all day who do nothing but go on about their hair :-(

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by the way.........my son Gasper, being in grade 8, let me tell you......he REFUSED TO SHAVE whatever of the hair he had left.........it killed me in my heart to see him like that because I had no choice to be honest and tell him that he looked WORSE than better........the family got together and put in money to purchase him a wig and he REFUSED......by the grace of GOD....and I was stunned, because I always taught him that if he and I walked down the street ....who would people look at....u OR me.....and he knew.....ME, because SOCIETY thinks a woman should have hair......says who?? society....u don't need to be around people who don't understand.........let them deal with their own "retardedness"...hahaha, I don't even know if thats a word...point being.........YOU CAN DO ANYTHING U PUT YOUR MIND TO..and my SON and I are living proof......it may feel awkward in the beginning.......but I know u'll get the hang of it......u must come to the point of accepting......truly, my belief is....WE OBVIOUSLY HAVE NO CONTROL OVER ALOPECIA.....or any choice as it is an unpredictable disease.......but guess what? YOU AND I BOTH HAVE A CHOICE TO ACCEPT IT ALL AS IT COMES, ONE DAY AT A TIME......I can see it now......you spreading your wings and soaring like an EAGLEEEEEEEEE>...you go girl......
Hi Somaaya, i totally understand how you feel. I find myself bursting into tears constantly. I have to work full time and it is a struggle for me to be around people. I feel very self conscious, ugly and very much wondering why me??? Why cant this happen to mean people instead?? I have not begun wearing my wig yet, i try to disguise my hair loss by putting my hair up. One day my boss told me my hair looked messy, i was in shock and devastated. People just dont understand how much hair means to a woman especially. People who have lots of hair just take it for granted and dont realize how lucky they are to have it. Its a hard thing to deal with, i am with you on how you are feeling about this. I am glad we at least have each other here. I wish they would find a cure for this!!!!!
Hi... Im 23 and I understand you to an extent I always tell people I def think this would be alot harder on me if I was a female... That being said there are two things I say and read to myself on a almost a daily basis... One is ODAT... (One Day At A Time) the second is the serenity prayer.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Im not the most religious person but they just help me cope on a daily basis... Its never fun at its never easy and only we can understand what it takes to get up and roll out of bed every day... But i refuse to quit because I feel if I do all the people who have had things to say about me throughout my life will win... And im not about to let that happen!
Thanks for all your support everyone your all very brave :-)



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