Since first experiencing Alopecia, I was under the conclusion that it's only effects were hairloss and possibly slow or no regrowth. Just these past three months, I'm starting to see a cycle, though, I think. See, when my hair gets brittle, thin, and begins to fall out because they say my white blood cells go nuts on everything, everything in my life seems pretty normal, I get the occasional cold, things like that, but nothing major. When my hair is staying in and growing thick and beautifully because my immune system's back to "normal" again, I get seeminly deathly ill when my family and friends just get a simple cold or the 24-hour flu. It seems like when my hair is not falling out, my immune system crashes, but when it does it's really strong.

Is this normal at all? Does anyone else have any idea what I'm talking about, or am I just nuts??? Please!


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I noticed that I don't get sick as much since I have had AU.
Wow...This is really interesting. My 9 year old son has always been the sick one of the family. He plays soccer the the coach had all the kids practicing while the rain was pouring down in sheets. I was really worried for him. Then I began thinking about the fact that he's the only one not getting sick right now.
my immune system is so strong and active so when there are no real stuff to fight they use practice targets to stay in good shape. They are like workoholics.
I guess if some medications are used internally which stabilise or lowes immune system activity one of the effects might be not so good immune system in general, unless you use some of those I doubt you should experience such problems.
However it might be that due to stress which we all experience to some ammount your immune system lowers once your body gets out of constant preasure like when you figure out your hair is growing.
Those are just specualtions.
Your post gave me the idea, I am sure scientists have already tried such methods for treating alopecia. The idea is what would happen if white blood cells are exposed to a external treat harmless to ones body. Maybe they would preoccupy with new threat and forget about shooting practices? Guess such method could be applied to all autoimmune conditions if such thing is possible.



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