I need to know if any other women have had any similar stories. I am a 51 year female. Had Mirena inserted June of 2010. I had a partial hysterectomy (ovaries stayed in) in January of 2013 and the Mirena was taken out at that point. My eyelashes started to fall out after getting the Mirena put in. I did not think anything about it. Then in October of 2014, my hair started falling out like a chemo patient. I lost all my hair by December 18th, 2014 and have been completely bald ever since. Yes, I have tried everything under the sun (even the Caribbean sun to regrow my hair). I am now under going DPCP treatments (I am praying they work). Has any other woman, pre-post menopause, had any long-term effects from Mirena?  Did your hair come back?

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