My daughter is 8 years old and was diagnosed with alopecia areata at 3. We have been pretty lucky because she still has a good amount of hair to cover up the bald spots she has. We have been getting steroid injections 3-4 times per year, which seems to help at times, but the spots usually come back. The injections are horrific to watch and seeing her suffer through them always brings tears to my eyes. She has a spot that is growing bigger now and she is in fear of getting more injections, which causes her stress and anxiety when we talk about it. A couple people I work with have experience or know someone who has used a product called Hair Up that has produced great results. One girl did a 3 month treatment a couple years ago and has not had any problems since. I was told that the product comes from Israel, so I imagine it's not easily obtained in the U.S. I found information about the product from their website online. I have requested more information and for them to contact me 3 times with no response. The website says that they usually respond within 24 hours. I was wondering if anybody on here has experience with this product? Was it difficult to get? How can I get them to respond to my request? Does anybody know of any other treatment besides the injections? Any information will help and is much appreciated!


Jesse Gabele (Brianna)

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