Hey everyone just thought id update you all on whats been going on with my hair its been a year and 4 months now and I still have alopecia started off with a small patch of hair missing then it grew in size and i ended up with lots of other smaller patches it all grew back now apart from one large patch of hair missing on the back of my head the size of a 50 pence coin which has been there from the start its taking ages to grow back its basically stuck like that kind of gettin sick and tired of wearing hats...I was wondering has anyone herd of or used Caboki? check it out on youtube it looks like it works really well heres a link http://www.caboki.com/ was thinking of trying it out let me know what you think and if you have tried it out.

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Honestly I don't bother with anything anymore its all a waste of money and time I have one patch of hair on the back of my head still not growing its been just over a year and a half now all the other patches have grown apart from one larger area...everyday I just put on a hat and go about my day (even though I'm not much of a hat person) maybe someday it will grow I hope... that's the one thing I learnt about this you can never know when it will grow back how it will grow back and if it will grow back only thing to do is wait but there's always hope so just got to wait and see even though its hard for me since I'm at university some say the best days of there life is when there at university but unfortunately for me its been the worst all because of this hair problem that's life though and as much as I hate to say it.. it could have been worse.. so I just go along with it and get along with my life and I hope you do the same but there's no harm in trying out certain products just as long as you know its safe ... just remember though there's a downside and an upside to everything...always remember if people with bigger problems and in worse conditions/situations can overcome what they have been through then so can you so don't worry to much the best advice I can give to you is to give it time because for some it grows in a few months for some in a few years for some it doesn't just depends on how you are really but if it will make you feel better I know many people who have had alopecia areata and for 90% of them it grew back fully over time :) ... Wish you all the best mate.

caboki in lahore really works. i have tested this product.



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