I used to have this most awesome website about 15 years ago that used to have the coolest info on earth available about alopecia, our first ever MSN groups and those of us back then were pretty groovy industry "ummm.... Firsters" who were online and looking for cool info on what we had, way back when there was no information available and we were the first online trying to share who we were and then going from there.
So, uhm... I'm putting my old website back into the new version and making it easier to get the old Ken Doll episodes back onto the internet, and getting it easier to find information on again about our alopecian pioneeers. Cheers!
Bug hugs :)
I will be tasking over the next 3 days to get it all back online :)
please tell me what links are working and what needs to be added more!!!!!!!
I do love u all :)