I had alopecia areata wen i was 8 yrs old. I used to get my hair bak on the patches but, i used to get a new patch on another area. Some stupid Dr. gave me wrong meds & within 3 months i lost all my hair everywhere!!! It was only after takin his meds that i suddenly started to lose my hair rapidly. Wen i was 12 yrs old, I had lost all my hair, including head, eyebrows, eyelashes. Since then, i hav been going to MANY Dr.'s hoping to get treated, but nothing worked as such. My hair grow bak from some places but then again falls.
My tough decision was to take steriods (0.5mg) only wen i was 17, as another Dr. said this was the only treatment for this type of problem. I took them for 4 yrs. I did get my hair back all over & much thicker & beautiful than before. But, i couldnt take those meds for long as it can cause really bad side effects. So, i had no choice but to leave the meds. I again lost all my hair rapidly.
Then, another Dr. told me to undergo PUVA therapy. But, i saw on the internet there is 5% chances of skin cancer & there r also chances of relapse of the hair again. So, i didnt wanna take this risk.
Another Dr. told me to get hair transplant, but, then lot of people told me that hair will still fall even after that.
Can anyone plzzzzz tell me if there is a ASSURED treamtment for Alpecia Universalis??? I really wanna get treated. I dont wanna live with this throughout life as i wasnt born with it. It was due to some stupid Dr.'s mistake. Why should i suffer coz of his mistake........PLZZZZZZZZZ anyone help me out????? I m desperate????????
I m fed of wearing wig & fake eyebrows.

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I read some info about garlic..it could help to treat the alopecia areata in some easy case but...i dont know if it works for alopecia universalis. Diphencyprone therapy (DCP) has also been used to treat alopecia areata and alopecia totalis..i'm sorry for my english. Don't be afraid Priya.. don't be desperate.. :( maybe some on can help us in some day..
Tks for advice & ur support. :)
Its hard not to feel hurt wen people notice u & make fun of u....u know wat i mean.....my parents r doin a lot to look for a cure. I hav been to so many Dr.'s. They all claim to take 2 yrs to cure the problem, but NONE of them hav actually done with wat they assured.........:( I m losing faith in Dr.s now. :(
I only believe in God....He is helping me cope with it so far in the form of giving me strength & giving a loving family who supports me throughout.
This problem is also giving me a hard time looking for a job. Before joining by current school (its a small school) i m workin in, i was rejected by other schools just coz they said i dont look healthy... :( :(. My career is at stake due to this. Due to the meds i had been takin, it has made me feel more fatigued & tired if i do a little more stressful work.
I want to work in better schools but, i get a hard time wen i get rejected (not coz of my performance) coz of my hair problem. :( Even the students make fun!!!!!!!!!! Can u beleive it????????/ No respect for a teacher. :(
I used to work in an office before, but again my colleagues kept bothering me asking about this problem & feeling "pity" ALL THE TIME. :(
Of course there is no treatment for AU.Time for you to give up your anger. It is not your doctor's fault. The intensity of your note really struck a cord because your life is suffering. This is the answer that I give to women and they truly appreciate the brutal honesty because it opens up a newer and better way of life.

I don't mean to be flippant, but you already know the answer to all your questions. AA is not an easy condition, but if you want a better life as a woman with AA, it's time to stop being angry and get on with life.

A little reality check can go a long way. Time to work on your self-image. Spinning the blame game is holding you back from living life fully. The only person who can help you feel better is you...It is all up to you. Meeting and talking with other women is also powerfully helpful when you're receptive to it.

Blaming doctors is counter-productive. There is no direct correlation between attempts at treatment and severe hairloss due to alopecia. There are just a few treatments to try. You already know they are not worth the risk to your overall health. Auto-immune conditions are notoriously complex to understand and do not have cures. Time to accept that.

Time to spend more effort finding the cosmetic solutions that make you feel great.For example, I use Bobbi Brown gel liner under the edge of my lid when I lose my eyelashes and you would swear there are lashes growing there. If wigs bother me I mix it up with fashionable hats and scarves,etc. If you have never told people that you have Alopecia then you've lost all your options to be totally comfortable in all situations and all climates. Start there if that's your situation. But it starts with yourself. Only when you can look in your own mirror and feel that alopecia does not define your self-worth can you then even begin to be relaxed about it with others.

I expect you may feel unhappy with me for my message, but that's ok. It gives another perspective to ponder.
Some will tell you to buy their books and read about their own inability to accept their alopecia.....I say save the money and spend the time talking to professional make-up artists and image consultants to look and feel your absolutely personal best! You can do it!

I m not unhappy with ur reply. I take it as an encouragement. :)
But, still somewhere in my heart, i still hope there should b a treatment.........

We seem to have a very similar story. I was 8 when I developed AA then 12 when it turned to AU and I lost everything. I'm also a teacher. I stopped treatements when I was 14, nothing was working. Sorry, I don't have good news for you, but there are worse things that could happen. Let me know if you ever want to chat.
HI Jill,
I would luv to chat with u. I m online on MSN regularly. U can take my ID: priyab81@hotmail.com. Would b glad to know more about u & share our thoughts. :)
I come online everyday at 9:30 am U.S. time.
I agree.....spend your time and $$ on looking good and feeling good, not "cures". There is no cure, if there was, I am certain our Doctors would let us in on it.
Hi, Lee
I really hope that there is a cure someday. I hope Dr.'s r workin on it. Or v can encourage Dr.'s to work in it throu this site?????
If there can b a treatment for cancer , AIDS, etc, i m sure there can b a cure for alopecia.
I agree 100%...but I think they are going to try to find cures for diseases like AIDS and cancer before Alopecia. I also think that once they find a cure for autoimuune disease, that may help them with the rest....hopefully in our lifetime there will be a cure.
Yeah! Lets just hope & pray! Even though Alopecia doesnt involve physical pain, but it does bring lot of emotional & social probs.
Damn Girl..what you wrote was awesome and hit a nerve! Thank you so much. It is so true...stop the blaming...stop using ALL your energy in blaming others who don't give a damn and focus on yourself.

It's like in the movie "The Holiday" when Kate Winslet slaps herself in the face and yells out LOW POINT!!!! Once you are down in the bottom the only way to go is up. Put all your energy towards you!

And Priya if you believe in God the way you say you do then confide in Him, do not ask WHY but praise in Him in the good and in the bad (He permits tests to know if we will stick with Him through the good and the bad) and to make us stronger and cling on to Him and

"For I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

So believe in Him, confide and don't let the enemy have the last laugh!!

God Bless!
Tks for the encouragement Joy!
I do thank God for not giving me worse than wat I hav.



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