Anyone with alopecia that lives near or in Maryland? I desperately want to meet my...own kind.

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HI, sorry I am not in Maryland but understand how you feel, I know of only one person here in SSM & no support group yet, still holding out hope though, so do not give up try your doctor and ask if they know of others like us and give him your name and number or email to hand out to others and go from there. :) good luck

I have been asking for MD groups to surface for a couple of weeks. I live north of Baltimore and would love to meet you!

Hi, I am new to Alopecia World and I live in Baltimore, Maryland. I, too, would like to meet other people who live in Maryland who have been inflicted with this curse. I have been newly diagnosed with diffuse alopecia areata and my hair is rapidly disappearing.

I'm in Northern Virginia. . .

I'm in Bethesda. Would love to meet up with others. I'm nearly completely AU now (been AA for 5+ years; AU just these past few months). It's been hard to deal with the transition. Would love to meet others!!

Hi Carrie. I live in Essex, Baltimore County, Maryland. I have had diffuse AA for a year now. Still have some hair on head but have lost eyebrows and a lot of body hair. I wear wigs and toppers. Where do you get your hair pieces from? Am undergoing treatment now and have some regrowth. would love to chat or meet up sometime. This is a lonely condition I am finding.
I live in Baltimore. At 62 lost all of my hair within 6 months. After almost 3 years I am getting a bit of peach fuzz on my cheeks. Would be interested if a group was started.

I'm in Baltimore as well, I wanted to start a meet up group, maybe we should all join together :)

Hi Serene. What part of Baltimore do you live in?

I am in Cockeysville Towson area.

I live in Essex and work in Towson. What type of AA do tou have? Mine is diffuse. Thin all iver but no spots.

Mine is basically just thin all over, not and getting worse :(



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