Hi My name is Terri and I have a 14 year old daughter with Alopecia. She is very active swimming and playing sport. Does any
one have any experience with the Amy Gibson "Water Wig". I know the Freedom vacuum are one of the best, but she has still got quite a lot of hair. This is our second round of hair loss, she lost all her hair a few years ago, only to have it all grow back. Now we are on the down hill run again...it is very patchy and she is losing a lot of hair.

I just want her to live a normal active teenage life!

Any advise would be helpful!

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I understand your concerns. When my daughter was a teenager all I wanted was a little normalcy for her so she was empowered to get on and live life.

I don't know a lot about the Amy Gibson's 'Water Wig'. But it might help to do a search on here and see what comes up. The other thing is to ring them and listen to the pro's and con's of this choice for your daughter.

There was a recent thread on here with 'Aimee' (a member) and a few other people talking about the hats with hair range that they prefer to swim in.

Here is the link http://hatswithhair.com/BathingBeauty1.aspx

Do a search and see what you can find.

Hope that helps a little.




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