In December of 2012 I found out that I have androgenetic Alopecia. yet the derm. I have been seeing is not so helpful. she put me on some water pills not sure of the name but she said it would help slow it down yet it made it fall out more so I stopped taking them. side affects she said I could grow facial hair I am a 27yr old mom I don't want facial hair. She told me there were really no treatments for this and that is something I will have to learn to deal with. So I am lost and scared. Every time I look up info on this It only brings up male pattern... I am a female. I need info for me does anyone know where to look up info or have info on androgentic alopecia? are there treatments? I figured heck I should get used to wigs before I need them so I have tried a few. are there wig sites or good ones? can anyone help me understand this better, like what to expect... anything. Thank you for your time.

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I use Nioxin it isn't doing anything. I think im going to try the hair pills I seen has anyone tried it.

Nioxin does nothing. It is not intended to grow hair, or stop hair loss. It is to help you "perceive" fuller hair. Biotin does nothing and read the side effects of Rogaine, pretty scarey. Also, it MUST be used twice a day - forever - if you are getting any improvement at all and want to keep the improvement. I have AA, and Ophiasis Alopecia as well. No day at the park. Namebrandwigs has the best prices and best return policy, for synthetic wigs.

I have AGA (Androgenetic Alopecia). You have done a good thing by joining this website. It should help you! I was diagnosed when I was in high school. I used Rogaine for about 8-9 years. I suggest it for people who want to give it a try, but read about it first. It helped to slow down my hair loss. AGA is a slowly progressing condition so it will get worse over time. I'm sorry that you feel lost and scared. You are NOT alone! You can find your own way to cope with this. Keep coming back here. We can help! I wear wigs, and I am what we like to call, a wigaholic. There are a ton of options out there. With regards to what to expect... you probably won't ever go fully bald. The amount of hair loss will increase over time, but you probably have many years before it gets worse. Try not to worry about the future. I shave my head bald, and let me tell you... being bald isn't so bad! I wear wigs, hats and scarves. I have found my way to cope with it, and you can too. Find someone in your life who will hold your hand through this, and support you in the way that you need it. HUGS! I could go on & on so let me know if you have any questions. There are a lot of websites too.



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