My son has AA and was diagnosied when he was 10. He is now 13 and I would like to hear how other boys deal with their hair loss.
I find it interesting that some people think that it is not so big of a deal when boys have AA,or it seems like it. He can't wear fake eyelashes or pencil his eyebrows,and wigs,well they don't make many for boys. Venting I am sorry but it is really tough right now!!

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Try locks of love. They make custom-fit vacuum wigs made with real hair for children ages 6-21.
My son has had no hair since 6, he is 13, we have paid $1500 for a wig that he wore 2 miles down the road and cried for days after! He is 13 now asking for another wig! I sometimes think I am going crazy trying to find an answer to Alopecia. I research constantly, I want an answer! He wants hair, eyelashes, eyebrows! My heart breaks. I am in the process of looking for a wig that looks natural I have priced them from $1500 to $5000. That is more than people make in months for some people I am so upset over this! I feel your pain I too need to vent! I also need 3 jobs to buy another wig! lol
Hi Laura,

Have you called the Hair Club for Men, my son has had Alopecia since he was 5 years old, it was always spotty and was easy to cover up, when he started High school last year, it all fell out, it was awful and he went through major depression, it was so awful for both of us, then I found the Hair Club and they have been wonderful, they cover cost until he is 18 years old, they are so nice there, we go in every 4 months and get a relpacement and then they give my son glue just in case they come loose. Laura, they have been really great and my son has confidence again, please research it, you will be so happy you did.
Thanks, Cathy
Hi Victoria,
I think the best way to deal with the situation is to shave any remaining completely bald and keep it that way. I don't have eyebrows and everyone says that it really adds to "the Look" Once you shave for a while, the skins settles down and get shinny. I spray my head with a light coat of AquaNet hair spray to really make it shine. It looks really cool like that. I have alot more boys tell me that would like to be bald for a while, at least, than I have ever had make fun of me. And, if you are into sports, especially football, wrestling, favorites. being bald makes me look tuffer. It also says I can handle mos t anything. NO WIGS, NO FAKE EYEBROWS...BE COOL GET YOURSELF SOME AWESOME SHADES. Alot of girls think I am really cute. The key is you have to think so to!!!!!
Thanks! You sound like you are really confidant and doing great! My son wears his hat all the time,even when its hot!
My heart is overwhelmed as these stories hit so close to home. I am the mother of a son with alopecia. He's battled it since he was 4. He is now 16. Ive gone through the pain firsthand. There was a time I cut my own hair and used wig glue to glue it to his head. Even spent hours cutting pieces of hairstrands to create an eyebrow. Cried waiting on a call saying mom it fell off in class. Held my breath during football games. Died inside each time he would say "mom do I look ok"? He got hairpieces from locks of love when he was around 11 and I masteted putting them on each morning. He has gone from bald in the back chunks gone from the top to having a dime size spot left. Its been a long journey and the constant worry is still there. I know there are no guarantees it wont resurface. But Gods grace is amazing and so is a childs heart. My heart goes out to every mother who has to endure watching her child suffer. Hang in there it will get easier.

Has anyone been on this thread lately? my 16 year old has just started losing his hair and it is devastating to watch. Do teen boys really wear wigs? thanks for any response.

Hi Kitty, Yes, my son Ryan is also 16 years old and he lost all of his hair 2 years ago, we now go to the Hair Club and he has his confidence and self esteem back, please call them and they will make ab appointment for him to come in, if you need more information please let me know.

thank you--I was just reading about them. They definitely get mixed reviews on the internet--is it super itchy? My son has eczema too and has itched for years. I wonder if he should just shave his head and call it a day? Not sure what to think--this is all so new. Thank you for writing.

Hi Kitty,

Not sure about the excema, when my son had his first hair piece it was itchy, he did get used to it, they shave his head first and then adhesive it on, it last about 3 weeks and rhen we go back and the re-apply ir, every 4 months we get a new piece, Ryan can wash his hair and play sports. Our hair club is in Sacramento and they are so wonderful. I highly recommend them. I am so sorry your sign is going through this, since Ryan has been going, he is a happy kid again. Take care and please let me know if you need anything. Cathy

I think this is so important to have a place where Moms can talk about teen boys--as yes, it is probably worse for girls. Except girls can wear wigs and I don't think my son ever would wear a wig.

We can wear wigs but they are so uncomfortable and itchy why would anyone ever want to wear a wig?



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