Hi everyone, it is nice to chat with people who have this issue in common, because I am trying not to dwell on it with friends and family anymore. Over a year ago I had a concussion which lead to a small bout of vertigo. After having some trouble coping with sleep issues and anxiety I finally gave into going on meds everything was wonderful I was just starting to feel like myself again and enjoying life. Then around 3 months into the meds I noticed the texture of my hair had completely changed a long with a mild burning in my scalp, but oh well I thought I was to busy being happy, I will just condition it more!! Not so fast, then a few months after that I realized I was shedding a lot. Now almost 50% of my hair is gone,(within a total of 4 months) and I have an on again off again burning in my scalp. Although I have gone off 1 meds and switched another the shedding has continued I figure once this process has started it is what it is? Has anyone else had meds trigger this kind of situation, and how do you deal with the anxiety that goes a long with this, I would appreciate any support, I have been trying really hard to spin this one into a positive but I am really struggling. I always want to be positive and strong for my kids, but I am truly so embarrassed that this has happened, did anyone else feel this way when they started going through this hair loss journey. Thanks for the support. Jan

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it is really hard in i was in denial for a long time thinking i could treat it with pills from the health shop finally accepted it and went to a doctor then a specialist it a long process dealing with it getting ur family and friends support always help as sometimes talking bout it helps



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