I don't have any experience with Wen, but I came across this article warning of hair loss: http://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/lawsuit-news/36648-c...
Has anyone used Wen? What is your experience?

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I know someone else with that diagnosis after Wen. Look for the FB Wen Hair Loss Support Group. It sure couldn't hurt to fill out a tier 2 claim. Get as much documentation together as you can.

Thanks for your reply. & Thank you for the info on the Facebook Support group!
Still dealing with my now 11 year old's hair loss from Wen. It's been 14+ months. She lost every hair on her entire body (it was rinsed into her bath) she has about half a head of hair now, and I'm homeschooling now. :-(. I hope these lawsuits destroy them.


I saw you had sent me a question but don't know where it is.  I have had no regrowth; it's been almost 2 years since I stopped using the shampoo.  I used Lavender, but my hairdresser sometimes used other formulations when I had appointments (not too many).  I also lost most of my eyebrows, too, but I thought that was from age and stress.

I hope something can be done for your daughter.  Have you been to a specialist?  Have you joined the lawsuit?

Well,I just saw this today - buyer beware:

FDA issues safety alert for hair conditioner after record number of complaints



I stand corrected!  I thought that the product was "natural"? Not really.. over 200 people have filed a claim, but here's what's really sad?  People who have attempted to post negative reviews on the website?  Their reviews were deleted.

They also claim the brand failed to warn consumers of the risks and dangers associated with the products quickly enough once consumers began complaining of the hazards, and removed negative reviews on social media instead of addressing them.

i think that's sad, that his marketers feel that out of millions of "happy customers" - that only 200 are "just a drop in the bucket"

They are also hinting that the "unhappy consumers" might already have a history of alopecia areata.

That's pretty hard to prove.


Far more than 200.  Only 200 are suing (I think that number is very low), but the article says the company has received more than 21,000 complaints.  This product is horrible.

21,000 is also a low number. They admitted to far more in court last year, and one has to call multiple times before they will take your complaint and most people are not that persistent. I'm sure it's ten times that number at the very least.
Also 200 is not how many are suing - that is only one of multiple lawsuits. There are 2 additional class action suits that I know of and individuals as well.



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