My first signs of alopecia were approximately 4 years ago. Usual bald spots , first on stubble then on crown. The local GP had nothing of any value to add to what my limited research already knew.
Anyway , as I grew my hair longer to cover up the bald patches I was doing ok and getting by , but I knew it couldn't last. So eventually, as the bald patches couldn't be covered any longer, in February 2016 I shaved my head.
Obviously weird at first and difficult to get used to but I've had nothing but positive reactions from people saying I look even better than I did with hair !
So back to what caused my alopecia and search for a 'cure'. I knew anything applied topically was only treating the symptom rather than the root (excuse the pun !) cause of the problem. Surely the problem was deep within my body and that my immune system was reacting to that problem. My hair falling out wasn't the problem , it was the symptom. I haven't been particularly careful about food and alcohol during my adult life , you may even say a little reckless but that is not unusual in my experience.
So the crux of the matter is this , I suspect my immune system has been fighting something within my body , cancer perhaps ? In it's fight it has attacked fast growing cancerous cells and also hair follicles , hence the alopecia. I have an appointment to see my GP in the next couple of weeks to explain my 'other' symptoms and hopefully have exploratory procedures conducted.
I will of course keep you posted on what happens , but I am very interested to know who else has developed other diseases and how long after developing alopecia.
Kind regards
How long did you have AA before you went paleo?
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