Has anyone ever tried the Autoimmune Protocol diet? I was talking to a lady who had alopecia areata and reversed her hairloss and recovered all of her hair.  She deleted any food that might promote inflammation.  I have sort of tried it for a short time, but it's so difficult to follow. And the list of what not to eat is so overwhelming . Basically all you can eat is fruit vegetables chicken pork or beef which cant be cooked with anything other then olive oil coconut oil.  And you can eat green vegetables like Brussels sprouts cabbage lettuce spinach kale asparagus.  Nothing with preservatives or gluten or wheat . Can't eat tomatoes or any nightshade.  Can eat onion , yams , or sweet potatoes.cant drink soda ( which sucks because I love my coca cola ) no sweets unless they are very low sugar , wheat, and gluten free. Can't eat peas or green beans , atleast not at first.  It's like they basically want you to starve yourself. Idk it seems a little dangerous to me. What about weight loss ? Or people who have low blood sugar ? A diet like that may make them a little weak and woozy.  The results seem promising. They say that most of your immune system is in the micro biome which is part of your stomach and intestinal track.  But it seems like a lot of dedication.  And it makes me wonder of hair is really softball of the trouble to deprive yourself of the things you enjoy.  

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I eat almost an autoimmune protocol which I think is pretty heathy.  Sure it will be really hard, but take a look at your diet ... stop eating out and don’t buy any processed food.  If you live alone that will be easier then if you live with other humans.  I call it eat like an Indian. No processed food. Plan meals over weekend for the week.  Once you do that for a decent amt of time going to the 2nd step won’t be so bad.  You may be surprised that you feel better, lower cancer risk, lower heart disease and diabetes kiss good bye.  You may feel so great you don’t care that you are bald?  Add a fit bit to get really crazy. 

Please expand on the diet you are doing.


My diet or life style choices:

lean protein at least 65grams,

fruit and veggies,

Low carb other wise no processed foods, added sugar, or  flour.  That’s it... 

i have eaten this way for last 4 years and have always eaten pretty unprocessed, no soda etc.... my hair still fell out. But my blood work is great! 

I think there’s a lot of truth in that and even scientific evidence that changing your diet does really have a great impact on any chronic disease such as Alopecia. It is hard to do I know as I’ve tried but the rewards will be amazing. You don’t have to do this kind of diet for ever , this is a temporary solution to recovering from an autoimmune disease which I think is worth the hassle for good health.

Hello, I have been on a diet for a long time and abstain from sweets. Are there any types of sweets that are not harmful to the body?

Good evening everyone. I once followed a friend's advice when I was on a diet. I endured for a long time and did not eat sweets, but then I still bought this wonderful organic chocolate https://chocolateandlove.com/products/sea-salt-55. I read that it is incredibly useful, especially during a diet. Do you think this is true or not?



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