Thea Chassin and her Bald Girls Do Lunch non-profit will be featured in a segment on the Today Show in the near future! The segment was filmed in May in Chicago. The date is to be determined, but it should air before mid-June. Please check back on this discussion for the air date.

Please spread the word! This is going sure to be wonderful national exposure about women with Alopecia Areata.

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This is wonderful.

Spread the word, everyone! Maybe we should deluge the Today show with emails and phone calls AFTER the segment complimenting them on it and encouraging them (or another NBC show) to do a more in-depth show about alopecia.

Awesome - I'm sure there is going to be a LOT of interest from many people.

Best wishes from Ursula (South Africa)
Thanks, Ursula! I love hearing from people all over the world here.
That is great..Do you know what time your segment will be on?
Hi everyone,

Thea just told me that The Today show just moved the Bald Girls Do Lunch segment off Mary 26th to some as yet undetermined slot prior to mid-June.

This doesn't mean they aren't going to show it - it's just that since the segment is not tied to any specific date nor event, it is unfortunately movable.

The new air date will be posted here as soon as we know.

Thea just learned that the new air date for the Bald Girls Do Lunch segment on the Today Show is Monday, June 15, during the first hour of the show. Set your DVRs and VCRs. I'll post if it's changed again.

Please share the news. I think this will be the first national talk show story about women with alopecia areata - WAY TO GO, THEA!

Hi everyone,

Thea just learned that it appears that the TODAY Show has moved the segment about Bald Girls Do Lunch and women with alopecia again. It was to have aired June 15 . But, the producer says it looks very unlikely that it will air this Monday.

The TODAY Show promises the spot will get on. Thea has heard from the producer that they have screened it and think its great. They say that it's not unusual for longer taped spots (this runs around 4:00) that aren't tied to specific events to get bumped around a few times before airing.

Also, Thea says that once is does air, we'll have a longer version available online! So, all of you who aren't able to tune in should be able to see it.

I'll keep you posted. I think I'm going to set my DVR for this Monday's show just in case they change their mind and run it.

According to the Bald Girls Do Lunch website (, the new date for the airing of the segment is June 30. Mark your calendars!
Hi Mary,
Guess I missed the where can I see it online?
All the best.
Anna Mina
Hi I posted elsewhere - the June 30 airing was bumped by Today because of the Michael Jackson coverage. So, it hasn't aired yet. Please check for updates. I'm sure Thea will post it there as soon as she learns of a new date.

Let's hope for a very slow news week.

Here's the new date:

Thursday, July 16th
8 AM ( eastern) hour

I think you'll enjoy it!




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