Hey guys, my name is Jenn, i'm 22 years old, and was told by a doctor that i have alopecia on June 11th 2011, it started out with 3 small bald spots and it has not grown to 4 bald spots, one the size of a baseball, two the sizes of golf balls and the other the size of about a tennis ball, and a fifth one is on its way right now started out the size of a pea and is about the size of a grape now, and continuing to thin, my hair has thinned out alot since june and i just keep losing more and more. I was using a cream on my bald spots that wasnt working, a doctor told me to use rogaine but after researching side effects on a female i have decided i do not want to use it as i do not want to end up growing facial hair. I have a dermatologist appointment booked for september 6th, but at the same time i dont even want to use anymore creams or lotions or anything on my head anymore, if i had to estimate how much hair i have lost i would say its probably about 35-40% already in the past 2 months. I am falling into a deep depression and thats not me, i dont know how to cope with this, i had thick hair that i was so happy about and as a typical girl didnt know what to do with, now i have this ugly patchy hair that really makes me angry. I want to shave it off but im nervous and dont have any wigs or anything to cover it with, and i havent told many people about my alopecia yet so i dont know how anyone would adjust to having a bald Jenn walking around. Basically I just need to know how to cope? What are some suggestions? My boyfriend is doing is best at making me feel beautiful but my attitude around the house and my lack of wanting to do anything lately is bringing him down too and i can see that. I just dont know what to do. The more hair i see on my pillow, floor, drain, sink, brush, its getting to me. I constantly cry and no one understands, the response i get when i talk to people about it is " atleast its not cancer" or " atleast you're not dying" " its just hair, why are you so worried, its not that bad, it'll grow back"
i just wanna hit people in the face when they say that and say "it might not grow back and im going to have to live with this DISEASE for the rest of my life!!!!!" ugh im just in a crappy mood. Not the best introduction, my apologies, you can see my mood, and why i need the support from people that know what im going through. :(
Any suggestions would be very appreciated and helpful.