Hi all.

I just wanted to let you know my experience taking Berberine which is a herbal supplement which people believe and reports shown that it may be a JAK inhibitor. I noticed people where buying it a few months ago but I haven't seen any posts about it yet. I bought the supplement start of September I bought Glycox 500 with Berberine from Amazon, it seemed to be what others where buying, they are 500mg Berberine per capsule. I have moderate AA probably 25% hairloss and I was diagnosed with AA in May. With my first bottle of capsules I was taking two a day, Since taking the supplement I have seen some hair growth in the last 5 weeks of taking it, actual hair growth all over tiny white hairs in all bald spots of my patches and crazy white hair growth all of what used to be my stubble on my chin and face, quite remarkable really!

The hair growth I could put down to possibly 3 things, 1. A steroid lotion prescribed by the doctor applies to patches on my head(but doesn't explain the growth on my face, 2. It could be spontaneous regrowth which is very possible or 3. it could be the Berberine. It seems odd that my regrowth coincides with taking Berberine but then again this is Alopecia so absolutely anything is possible!

What might be working for me may not work for others but I just wanted to let people know my experience. I know there are others that mentioned they are trying this supplement, so please share your experiences so we can see if it works for others too.

Thanks Taz

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Can you help me, thank you very much.

I am using Berberine for the last 4 weeks. I have AA (approx 30% loss scalp only). I am witnessing some white hairs on the bare areas of my scalp. Also taking Biotin tablets daily. Will update monthly. 

Bibby can you say us how many pills in a day and if are you usign 500 or 1000 mg? Thank you

i meet this so is possible also in cream?

Berberine is a chemical found in several plants including European barberry, goldenseal, goldthread, Oregon grape, phellodendron, and tree tumeric.

People take berberine for heart failure.

Some people apply berberine directly to the skin to treat burns and to the eye to treat trachoma, a bacterial infection that frequently causes blindness.

How does it work?

Berberine might cause stronger heartbeats. It also might also be able to kill bacteria.

I am going to try this supplement. Sounds promising and I will update my progress monthly. Others please keep everyone updated.

Mtran2000, I just pm you. Be careful taking Xeljanz and Berberine. Xeljanz will already lower your immune system significantly.

where can i order this medicine from? is it ok to try this without any advice from doctors? advisable?

I ordered berberine from eBay uk from a reliable seller. It was £9 for 60 tablets. I take daily 2-3 (randomly) tablets. Along with 2 tabs of biotin daily I'm not treating otherwise. I was using minoxidil 5% but can't take the dry flaky skin/itch associated with its side effects. So far I've got tiny white hairs sprouting out of about 60% of my affected areas. Strangley I also noticed last night that the hair on my legs has really thickened up. I will continue with this supplement as I'm showing condition improvement, it's low on price and I know of no side effects. I do wish I could get an effective cream based treatment to run aside to the berberine to speed up hair regrowth

I am taking it now 4 weeks Tori but only noticed growth at the weekend gone. 

Thank you Bibby for your answer...i also i'm using minoxidil 5 % and none side effect what sides effect had you had?

I get a severe itch from the minoxidil. Impossible not to scratch and once I scratch I am left with huge skin flake. 



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