Hi all.

I just wanted to let you know my experience taking Berberine which is a herbal supplement which people believe and reports shown that it may be a JAK inhibitor. I noticed people where buying it a few months ago but I haven't seen any posts about it yet. I bought the supplement start of September I bought Glycox 500 with Berberine from Amazon, it seemed to be what others where buying, they are 500mg Berberine per capsule. I have moderate AA probably 25% hairloss and I was diagnosed with AA in May. With my first bottle of capsules I was taking two a day, Since taking the supplement I have seen some hair growth in the last 5 weeks of taking it, actual hair growth all over tiny white hairs in all bald spots of my patches and crazy white hair growth all of what used to be my stubble on my chin and face, quite remarkable really!

The hair growth I could put down to possibly 3 things, 1. A steroid lotion prescribed by the doctor applies to patches on my head(but doesn't explain the growth on my face, 2. It could be spontaneous regrowth which is very possible or 3. it could be the Berberine. It seems odd that my regrowth coincides with taking Berberine but then again this is Alopecia so absolutely anything is possible!

What might be working for me may not work for others but I just wanted to let people know my experience. I know there are others that mentioned they are trying this supplement, so please share your experiences so we can see if it works for others too.

Thanks Taz

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Hi bibby,

I was wondering, what dosage and brand are you using of this?

I'm using glycox 400 from "good state". Just checked the bottle now and the pills are 400mg berberine tablets.

thank you for your answer.

Glad you are seeing results from Berberine, as it is just a herbal remedy but still always consult your doctor before taking any supplements just to be on the safe side.

Thanks taz. The results I'm having are very early days and my aim is to hopefully incorporate berberine with a tolerable topical product.

Hi Tori

My hair completely grew back but I can't pin point to exactly what made it grow back, aswell as taking Berberine I had a bit of a lifestyle change like exercising working out, sleeping better, better diet, more positive outlook on life and it just grew back. Aswell as all these there was proclaimed 1 year wait for newly diagnosed AA sufferers where hair is claimed to grow back after this time so, which was it that worked? in my opinion it was probably a combination of all. I do still get small patches come and grow throughout the year and 2 more have crept up now but I am hoping to keep it to a minimum.

Very happy for you Taz.

I always thought about using berberine but never did. Are you still using it? Did it seem to work at all?



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