So.. i think this alopecia thing has ruined my relationship... he was there from day one of hair falling out.. but our relationship is very complicated, we broke up last year, after the first time of my hair falling, nothing to do with that, just me being scared, but then i realized a little while later how much i cared about him and wanted him back, it took him a little while but we finally got back together and a month later my hair started falling out again... he was ok at first and then 4 months later he moved 4 provinces away for work, and my hair got a lot worse, when he came home he seen it and he tried being supportive, but he had to go back to work and now its been 2 months since i have seen him and we are just basically never talking, he is working 15 hour days, not calling me, he doesnt even tell me he loves me anymore, when he was here, he was trying to be supportive and wanting to help, but now hes gone and he doesnt even talk about it, he ignores it, i had found the freedom wigs thing and it just so happens the closest girl that does it is in the same city as him... he told me he works so he wont see me... maybe in the evening.. i dont even want to go now, but i really want to get the consult for the wig, but i dont know if i could stand being in the same city... maybe its just the distance but i just dont know, it really hurts, but i am in love with him its hard to just say im done with it,

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Hate to say it, but you may have to get used to it several times in a lifetime, hair or no hair. Why not take your mother or aunt and stay in a cool bed-and-breakfast, or take a friend and stay in a Youth Hostel or hotel for one night after shopping? See how he acts if YOU have the control on whether you have time for HIM to join you for 1/2 hour? At least, you will have back-up. I think if he was still in love, he would have found a way to move mountains to call you or find a time to be with you.


I think Tallgirl has some great advise.

I'm sorry that this bf isn't behaving in the way that could help, but instead is being (what I see as) very distant. Don't get stuck on your hairloss as being the reason why?? Sometimes things just don't work out for many reasons and I would think hairloss would not often be the top of the list. Focus on you and what you need. I think you may know in your heart that what is currently happening in your relationship is not working for you. So, become proactive in getting things sorted for yourself. You are going to be ok, even though it may feel just the opposite at the moment.

Having a little fun with a friend, mum or whoever sounds like an incredibly good idea for your upcoming trip.

Do your best not to let someones inability to define your abilities. You can do this and do it well. :)




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