i know everyone of us get bugged up at one or the other point of life. I am going to be 33 and am still single, people talk at my back, making fuzz about me that why i am not getting married. In my society if girl has any problem that's become a taboo for her but it's not so for guys.i am not gettting married just b'coz of this havoc'ALOPECIA' . no nody accepts me when they come to know about my hair wig.One funny thing i will tell u all is i came to know about a bald guy who's of my age may be 34, he himself wears a wig, i thought may be he will agree for my proposal. one of my close friend approached him for my proposal -he said NO- he can't marry a bald girl. I don't know its a pity on me or on him. why people in my country are so orthodox. well this how the life is.......i really don't know i will get my dream partner or not in this life.

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Shelly, I first started losing my hair when I was still married to my husband of 42 years. He passed away 3 years ago due to cancer. He loved me when I lost my hair, and since he has passed away I have had 2 meaningful relationships--I confessed to both that I had no hair. Neither had a problem with this. I am now engaged to a wonderful man who said he could care less if I had hair. There is someone out there for you. Don't give up--you just haven't met the right one yet. When you do, you having no hair won't matter to them at all. Trust me--I've been there and done that. Besides, if they can't accept you for who you are, you don't need them in your life anyway. (((hugs)))



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