Well I feel sick and really panic stricken yesterday I finally shaved my head I thought I was okay with it ready even but no I feel trapped in this despair like I made a big mistake although walking around with tuffs sticking up seemed ridiculous. My sister calls me brave her hero but really I'm a fake and fraud I just want my hair back I can't even look in the mirror at myself to brush my teeth please please some words of wisdom something.....

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You are going to be fine. You know its interesting how we look at ourselves and are so critical. You are still you with hair without hair, wig no wig, scarf or not, hat or not. Don't forget who you are inside has nothing to do with what is or isn't on top of your head. But cover up with comfort and when your at home uncover and be comfortable with yourself. Sleep on it pray about it and be good to you. I'm smiling for you and at you and with you. Take care.
Thank you you are right of course it's only been 24 hours and already I'm feeling a little less crazy! Thanks to all the awesome people here! I love your name sunshine and you are so right I'm more than my hair! My son told me today it was just an accessory anyway? Perhaps there is wisdom in those words! I will sleep on it and thanks again for your wise words good nite!
Thank you
Maybe some colorful, pretty soft scarves will help. I know it helped me. I never shaved, although I needed to. I was a punk. I have a dresser full of scarves and hats. If you look at U-tube, you can learn to tie your scarves different ways. I like mine to hang down in the back, lipstick and a pair couch sunglasses. FABULOUS DARLING! You already have the smile and pretty teeth.

The thing about life is, nothing stays the same. So your feeling bad right now, but it's not going last forever.

PS: When I was in depression, my doctor told me to get moving. Walk, walk and walk. You will feel and think better.

Hugs x10
Good advice Angie it's true I have barely moved off my sofa in the last 24 hours not good for me! And I do have fab sunglasses! I'm learning so much thanks so much your words move me forward and your right nothing lasts forever I'll get thru with all you guys helping me much appreciated! Good nite
Hi Dana. I have had Alopecia since I was
 little but it was only after having my youngest
 son ( now 7) that went from patches to about 90%.
 I went into an awful depression for a while and
purchased a couple of really shitty wigs.
 I was put onto a lady that sold vacuum wigs
which changed my world! Was approx $3000.
Then all my hair grew back. I could not wear
 my vacuum wig anymore and had to
 pretend that I had cut it off for something
different. I worked at an ultra conservative
 accounting firm!! Anyway, now it is falling
out again and I think I will order a wig from
Russia hair (I think it is called). These are
about $1100 (au), a bit pricey but for me
 they are worth it. And a cheap  wig,
sadly, generally look cheap.
 I guess what I am saying is you will need
to go through a bit of a journey to work out 
 what works for you. You may have some 
tough days ahead (I was a mess for a while)
but it will get better.
 I don't feel comfortable going
 out without my hair yet but maybe one day!
And remember that those who love you will
love you no matter what. Don't worry about
stares from stangers - they probably have huge
 thighs!  Hugs from Down Under OOOO :) 
Hahaha too funny thank you that's what my Sis says at least your skinny! she tries!!! Most of the women I have told so far only a few are really freaked out about it I dont want to offend anyone by saying I did have lovely hair and I miss it so much it was long and healthy I will be considering all options as far as wigs go my hairdresser is getting info together for me so well see they just look terribly uncomfortable to me having said that I have never tried one yet. Thank you for the info it's so cool to talk to people from all over the world eh!
I think my Raquel Welch wig (Breeze, rooted...see my picture) looks natural. It is synthetic, and costs less than $150. For that price, you could buy several looks and have fun!
Is it comfortable?
I also liked Tress and Salsa by Raquel Welch when I went to try some on last week.



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