Hi guys,

it’s my first post here, I would love you to share your knowledge and experience with me.

I am 29, my female pattern alopecia started at the age of 14. 

A bit more than a year ago I stared minoxidil treatment - 4% with mpg hormone 0,0125%, purchased at one of the hair loss clinics in the UK. I experienced a 3 month shedding after which my hair grew stronger. After about a year of treatment I was very satisfied with the results and much better hair.

When my supply finished after a year, I decided not to purchase it again and try other products easily available at the pharmacy (I was moving to a different country and the uk products are quite pricey).

I shouldn’t have done that but well - that’s what happened: I started using 5% minoxidil without mpg, after 2 months my hair started shedding like crazy. At the moment I lost about half of it. 

My question is - has anyone experienced second shedding after increasing of minoxidil percentage and is it a good sign?

I appreciate your help (because I am getting stressed).


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