OK....... Biotin and Iodine cured my LUPUS based  alopecia areata.  THIS MEANS SOMETHING BIG!!!  That means it may be that a nutrition type therapy may heal this problem but it may not be the same nutrients or the same underlying problem...autoimmune or otherwise. If something else such as a antifungal agent worked for you ...tell all of us  about it!!!!..It could lead to more success stories...If you find success... as one woman on this site stated she did with anti fungals or other REAL cures that worked (outside of the snake oil salesman with promises but no results), tell everyone  what you did and what if any known underlying condition caused it. Imbalances in the thyroid gland DID (in my case) cause it. There may be other things.  I thought I had the ultimate cure but realize now that I had just unearthed a new opportunity for us as a group to explore a condition that has; according to medical websites, at least a 150 causes. If mine could come back after a year of baldness, the hair follicles aren't dead, just inactivated by some kind of  inhibitor. !!!!!!!!!  Doctors say if you are bald for a year or two it won't come back. Baloney!!! Mine did!!   Do not give up hope!! Research and communicate on this site. Be positive!! There are so many breakthroughs in medical technology in the 21st century and WE MAY JUST BE ON THE CUTTING EDGE AS A GROUP TO BEAT THIS THING!!!!  If you found something that worked for you tell us. If you discovered the cause let us know that too. I do this out of good will to you still suffering,   my year and a half of that condition was not pleasant but I am nearly four years alopecia areata free..There are not enough of us for big pharma to make mega bucks off of  with the advertized  TV drugs you see peddled on major TV stations. This website could be a valuable knowledge pool, and who knows what could come out it. There are those of you that show great empathy to the hurting ones here and GOD BLESS YOU!!! I am from the scientific and engineering community so I share my own little background nitch......SCIENCE AND RESEARCH.

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How long did it take to grow back? My daughter hair is slowly coming back.Some patches havnt grew back its been been 16 months.Docs say it want ever grow back because its been too long.

Would love to hear about what's working for others!!! I'm in my first month of being diagnosed and its been a very trying time. I'm starting to have better days knowing this is just something I have to deal with, but I'm still losing more and more hair. It primarily started on the left side of my head and now I'm seeing spots on the other side as well, and they're getting larger by the day. :( I'm thankful otherwise I'm a pretty healthy person and this is nothing life threatening. I just wish someone had some answers!!!
I'm curious to know if you developed AA as a child, is your hair more likely to grow back in vs someone who has already become an adult before it happens. I also read that if you are over the age of 30 and develop AA you probably are the first person to have it in your family, Whereas if you are younger it may have something to do with genetics. Any thoughts??
I read the longer it takes to grow back and you had it before puberty.That it is less likely to grow back.That's why im worried for my daughter.

I had this whole Alopecia thing for about 5 years. I now have AU. I had regrowth (not sure if it was the medicine or me) about two years ago. At the time i was on Cortisone shots, Rogaine extra strength liquid, and Olux E. I grew hair back on the top of head, my eyebrows, a thick mustache, and a 4 inch goatee. A few weeks ago, I got back on rogaine with Rosemary essential oil with cortisone shots. I have eyebrows again and my mustache is coming back. I also have a few patches coming for my goatee and a ton of peach fuzz on my cheeks, chin and parts of the top of my head. About the thing with the hair not coming back after some time, I not sure how true that is. What about that guy at Yale university that used tofacitinib citrate and had complete remission? They say he had AU for 7 years or something like that. I thing theirs hope with the right treatments not to mention tofacitnib is in trials. Im hoping it comes out soon...

I just pray that it comes back.Even if it takes awhile.

Hello Rob. Nice to heard about good results. Could you explain what the Iodine you used and dosage. Thank you.



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