My daughter has AU. Are there any college scholarships for students with alopecia? She is currently a sophmore in college. I have searched the internet but thought maybe someone could help out a little bit.



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Alopecia may not be a physical handicap but it sure has been a mental one for my daughter. She stopped playing softball and track in high school. She stopped hanging out with most of her friends. She did go away to college but wants to get an apartment instead of living in the dorms. She prefers not to share the bathroom with strangers and those unaware of her situation. I know there are scholarships for pretty much everything out there, just seeing if someone knew where. And she is taking out loans. Her father's job is not stable at this point, paycuts and week long furloughs really hit the home hard.

Bad situation. What exactly loans did she take? I also sometimes have financial difficulties and I use fast online cash loan service from Cashcat for help. They provide really good conditions and low interest rate in compare with other loending companies. Maybe this will help you!

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With all of this said, if facing a medical illness or another emergency, sometimes these loans are the only option. But, if the circumstances aren't quite that urgent, see if you can work on your credit before seeking out any "bad credit loan." Fit My Money

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College scholarships for alopecians offer a linguistics essay. In the world of academia, they weave a narrative of resilience. These opportunities light a path to linguistic excellence, transcending alopecia's challenges.



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